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**Request for Malaikatsalahcetak where Peter's class gets a big shock. This one was super fun, I'm always a sucker for Iron!Dad and some fun class phone calls (I've done 2 already and there's another one coming, I'm so sorry). Enjoy!**

Peter scribbled notes in his notebook, glancing up at the powerpoint on the board every now and then. His hand shook slightly, the coffee from that morning finally kicking in and pushing Peter into overdrive.

"Psst," Ned whispered, leaning over. "What was on the last slide?"

Peter pushed his notebook over to his friend, who looked it over quickly and scribbled down his own notes. The teen pushed the book back to the brunet, and both of them looked back up at the teacher.

"Okay, class, now that we have our notes done for the morning, I want to get a discussion started on last nights reading in small groups. Chrissy, Sharron, Cindy. Abe, Shawn, Sarah. TJ, Evan, Jake. Will, Tina, Gina. Peter, Ned, Flash..."

Ned and Peter both groaned quietly, but didn't protest too much. Their teacher was pretty strict, and the last thing they wanted was to make her mad. She finished grouping people up and everyone started moving around, so Peter and Ned both gathered their things and headed towards where Flash was, in the back of the room.

"Pft. I don't know why that teacher is pairing me up with losers like you two."

Ned and Peter didn't respond, just put their books down and pull out last night's reading.

"Flash, let's just get this over with, okay?" Peter looked up at the boy across the table from him, who sneered back.

"What are you trying here, Puny? Trying to pretend you're smarter than me?"

"What? That doesn't even make sense, I was just-"

"Shut up," Flash barked, cutting the brunet off. Peter shrunk back into his chair and turned his eyes to his lap. "You're so pathetic, Parker, you lie about your grades, your internship, your stupid-"

Ned had enough and spoke up. "His internship is real, Flash! He's Tony Stark's personal intern!"

Now that was news to Flash. For a moment, the bully blanched, but he quickly recovered. "Yeah, right. The Tony Stark would willing spend time with Parker. Like I'v believe that."

Ned rolled his eyes and went to say more, but Peter put a hand on his shoulder, and Ned let it go.

"We all know he's a liar," Flash continued. "He feels bad about how lame and lonely he is, so he makes up this internship we know has to be a lie. Maybe all your lying is what makes everyone around you leave. Your parents and your uncle, I mean."

Ned's face was flushed with anger at this point, but Peter stayed calm. Well, as calm as he could given the situation. In all reality, his brain was in overdrive trying to keep a panic attack from coming on. The teen's hands were clenched over his knees, nails digging into his palms until they nearly drew blood.

"We should talk about the reading," Peter mumbled quietly.

"Aww, feeling bad about how pathetic you are?" Flash taunted. "I don't know why you keep up this lie."

Ned and Peter just kept their heads down.

Flash scoffed at their lack of response and pulled out his phone. Realizing they weren't going to get anything done, Peter and Ned decided to do their own things, as well. Ned pulled out a book he was reading for lit class and Peter pulled out some math homework.

"Excuse me?"

Peter, Ned, and Flash looked up at their teacher, who was standing above their table.

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