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Hi, all! I've been thinking about doing this for a while, now, and I'm so excited to get it out for you all.

1) I'm going to start big. Drum roll... Get your guesses ready... My first name is Alexandria. It's for the city in Egypt, for the library specifically. My parents wanted me to have a connection to reading, academia, and writing from birth, so maybe that's why I write and read so much, lol

2) My favorite color is green! I actually love red and blue, too, like super dark reds and blues, but green is my favorite. I love the light green of new pine growth, and the dark green of old trees, and all the greens in between.

3) Could you guess from my last answer that I live in a really forest-y place? I love being outside, I especially love being around animals. I live near a horse farm, so I like to walk over and pet those cuties, but I also have dogs and cats and a dwarf bunny, and I have some wild ducks who started coming to my house because I put out cracked corn for them.

4) Oh, another requested question! My favorite T.V. show is probably Seinfeld, or M*A*S*H or Over the Garden Wall. Odd picks, right? I prefer old television shows, honestly, but I love cartoons and anime, too.

5) Why did I start writing Marvel fanfic? And why did I start watching? I'll be honest, okay, here's the thing. My brother (I have brothers) loves Spiderman. He's 10 years older than me, so he likes the older Spiderman, and as I got older, I kinda got interested. My first ever Marvel movie was Spiderman: Homecoming, and I was like "I love this boy, oh, my Gods." So I was hooked, and I started reading fanfic about Peter. Of course, everyone was writing Irondad/spiderson fics, so I got so excited and basically read as many as I could find. And then I ran out. So I was sitting in class, my college seminar, and I was bored, so I pulled up my Wattpad and started typing. It was my first fic, and I still remember coming home out of my mind happy when I got 10 reads. I legit got so excited. I was raving about it. At some point, I couldn't hide the happy anymore, so I told my entire family and at that point, I was up to #1 in irondad and my parents got me a cake with green frosting and a Spiderman lego set, lol. Anyways, that's how I started. And I kept writing, and y'all kept reading, and I was like "this is actually the best part of my day/week. " I get so freaking excited to sit down and write a chapter, and I get even more excited to read y'all's comments!

6) I do have some other hobbies besides fanfic! I'm a huge baker, I love making pretty much any desert I can! Besides that, I like to read, paint, and I actually tutor math for little kids.

7) Not a fan of pineapple on pizza, I'm a purest and would much ratehr have plain cheese.

8) My favorite way to relax is writing. I could be having the worst day, just absolutely terrible, and then I sit down to write and everything is good again!

9)Smooth peanut butter forever.

10) I love sports, actually, I was hella active when I was younger. I played Lacrosse for years and years and years, I did horseback riding, and more recently, I've done ice dancing, which is that fancy figure skating with lifts and a partner.

11) Penguins over puffins, of course! My zoo has new baby penguins right now and I follow the on Facebook (God, I sound way older than 20) and they post all these videos of little baby penguins running around the zoo because the zoo is closed right now. 

12) Am I planning on doing other fanfics besides Marvel... I've thought about it. If I did, it would probably be a Dramoine fic. I mean, there is not a fandom I don't have some sort of an interest in, I mean, I'm into Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sherlock, Steven Universe, a ton of animes like Yuuri on Ice and Castlevania and a ton others, so really, I'd be up for pretty much anything.

Okay, so those are all the questions I have so far, but if you guys have more, comment them and I'll add them here!

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