In Charge

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**Request for theavengersfan2318 where Peter is caught at the Tower while working and everyone is stunned at how confident and poised Peter is in the hot seat. This one was super fun, thank you!! I'm also starting school this week - I have some drafts I've been saving so I still have stuff to update while busy, but I probably won't take many requests or finish newer stuff. I'm always thinking of y'all though, so I will have chapter up for you guys even if I'm not actively writing them. Enjoy this one!**

It was Peter's contention that teachers - all teachers - were self absorbed. They liked to be right. They liked to be the most important person in the room. They thought they were the smartest person in any given room. They ignored the students who were showing them up or doing impressive things, and they were cruel in their own special way.

That is why Peter wasn't surprised when teachers thought he was lying about his internship. It was more than just Stark Industries' incredible reputation, it was also the way Peter had started missing more and more school, and he was the whipping boy for Flash and his goonies. It was no stretch to think he might be making up the internship in order to try and make himself cooler at school.

Even when he got detentions for being late.

Or when he got humiliated in front of his class for 'lying'.

He was never surprised.

He was surprised, though, when he turned around in his lab to see a tour group going through his tower led by one of his most hated teachers.


Peter was having a no good kind of day. He was supposed to be on the bus with Ned right now, headed to the big senior field trip as celebration for getting the the end of the year. It had been a tradition for years now to have the senior class go on a mystery field trip around the end of May, but this time, Peter was at home sulking through the kitchen. Peter's teachers had decided that it wasn't fitting for him to attend the field trip as he had been 'lying' about his internship.

Which he was. He didn't have an internship, he ran the company.

"You okay, bambino?" Tony asked as he watched his son pour a cup of coffee, drink it all in one go, and pour another.

"The field trip is today."

That was all he needed to say. Tony and Pepper had already heard about the field trip a million times, and they had been plenty pissed off for Peter when he had been told he couldn't go.

"Want me to call the school again?" Tony asked. He'd tried once before, but the secretary had thought it was a prank call and hung up. "I could go down there."

Peter just shook his head. "No, it's fine. I might be missing the field trip, but at least I can catch up on some overdue paperwork."

"Oh, gods," Tony groaned. "Did you get that from your mother?"

"Paperwork's gotta get done, Dad."

Peter took his coffee back to his room and changed into a suit and tie. He brushed his teeth, did up his hair, and headed back into the kitchen for a refill on the coffee before heading down to his office. If he kept his head down and worked, he could probably get the quarterly budgets done by noon, make a lunch meeting with the merger team, and get the new research patents on the books by the end of the day. And probably sneak in a couple hours in the lab, too, if he could sneak out of the board meeting later.

Peter slung his suit jacket over the back of his chair and started working, his mind whirling with calculations as he started doing the books.


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