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Stiles watched the group as they paced around the room, arguing about how to handle the latest "big bad" threat to Beacon Hills.

"We should lure her out! There's no reason why it wouldn't work, it's worked before..."

"No. It'd be expecting that by now." Derek promptly shot down Aiden's idea and the temperamental twin grumbled in frustration under his breath- thoroughly annoyed by the dismissal of his idea.

Stiles groaned as the arguing picked up again, insults being thrown and Scott having to actually step in a couple of times to diffuse the situation.

He rubbed at his temples roughly. Hoping to alleviate some of the throbbing pain coursing through his brain as he absentmindedly listened to the escalating discussion.

He looked around the room and sighed; 2 hunters, a banshee, a Kanima hybrid, a true alpha, a born wolf, a born coyote and the others, couldn't come up with something halfway decent?

He sighed, once again, quietly as he leant back into the old worn-down chair. He then thought about idle nonsense as he waited for the argument and accompanying migraine to recede.

When it continued to assault his head, Stiles groaned agitatedly and moved from his chair to get a drink for his dry throat.

The pack human leant forward and put his head under the cold tap water, allowing it to soothe his headache.

Calmer, now that he'd been temporarily relieved of his pain, Stiles leant away from the side and grabbed a glass, filling it with water. He downed the drink and refilled it before going back into the main room with the rest of the pack.

Stiles sat back into his chair and hummed lightly as he sipped his drink, smiling tenderly as the pain began to lessen and he could once again think rationally.

It was as that thought crossed his mind that he felt the tell-tale sign of a slip- his focus beginning to become fuzzy and muffled.

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