Jonathan Crane🧪

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Imagine: Jonathan first seeing you

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Imagine: Jonathan first seeing you.
"No, Harleen, I said that I'd drop you off but I can't go to the lecture with you."You told your sister as she begged you to come to a psychology lecture with her.
"Oh come on, Y/N! You'll love it! When we were younger we used to do everything together!"Harleen whined as if she was still a child.
"Yeah, we used to do everything together when we were younger."You reminded her before sighing."Look, Harley, I'm sorry we never spend time together anymore but you forget that I uprooted from California and moved here to be closer to you."
"I know but-"
"I have to go, Harleen, I have a job interview."
She pouted."Fine. But I don't like that DA, Harvey Dent."
You laughed."Ok, I've got to go. Bye, sis."

Jonathan strode into Gotham University, he was feeling rather confident today. It was an odd feeling as even when he worked in the university as a professor he felt on edge, like he did when he was a student. He supposed it was more Scarecrow's confidence than his own, his new toxin had been working spectacularly well and his cunning alter ego was positively delighted.
Surveying the people milling around the foyer - either walking into the lecture hall or having a look around the university - his eyes landed on two girls, not too far away.
One was a big eyed, bubbly looking, blonde girl who couldn't have been older than twenty one, the other...well the other was the most beautiful girl Jonathan had ever seen. Her h/l, glossy, silky looking, h/c hair and her twinkling, e/c eyes were enough to make the psychologist start to day dream. He quickly but reluctantly brought himself back to reality, the younger girl seemed to be begging her sister (Jonathan guessed) to go into the lecture with her. The older one was shaking her head but she looked conflicted and Jonathan decided he would solve her dilemma.
Straightening up he approached the two girls but before he could even begin to get their attention the girl he had been staring at turned and walked right into him.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!"You apologised, taking a quick few steps back, thankfully not knocking over your sister.
The dark haired man chuckled and adjusted his glasses, he was kind of cute...ok he was very cute."It's really ok, Miss..?"
"Y/N, Y/N Quinzel."You informed before motioning to Harleen."And this is my sister-"
"Harleen Quinzel,"She exclaimed, excitement evident on her face."but my friends call me Harley. I came here to see your lecture, I loved your thesis on fear in the brain of a criminal."
"Well, it's always nice to meet someone who appreciates my work."The man nodded politely.
"Oh so you must be Dr Crane."You realised.
"Yes. Are you here to see my lecture too, Miss Quinzel?"Dr Crane asked.
You bit your lip.
"No, I have a job interview, I'm just dropping off my sister." what you should've said.
"Yeah, I am. Though I have to admit, I'm not a psychologist. Everything I know about the subject is from Harley." what you actually said.
"Well hopefully I'll be able to teach you something."Jonathan smiled."I'll see you in there, ladies."
After he left you turned to Harleen who was standing with her arms folded and a small smirk on her face.
"You like him."She pointed out.
"Shut up."You laughed before walking into the lecture hall.

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