Chapter Three

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Chapter Two recap;

" I love you" she kisses my cheeks, nose, forehead and then lips.

"I love you too" I smile. Finally feeling connected again.

She rolls off me and lays down in my arms. My hands caressing her back.

"Baby, I gotta tell you something" I sigh.

"About Finneas" she states in a monotone. How the fuck?

"You talk in your sleep baby" she replies, reading my mind.

"Oh" I take a breath ready to tell her everything.


Billie's POV:


"Bil, please slow down" I hear Vi's voice, but it sounds like I'm underwater. My hands gripping the steering wheel and foot on the gas pedal.

I told her to stay at home with Liliana but she refused, of course, and called Maddy to babysit.

Am I driving faster than I should be? Yes. Do I care? No. I am aware I have precious cargo, and I would usually never drive like this but all that is standing in the way of my fist connecting with my brother jaw is the distance I need to drive. Therefore, I am a race car driver today.


Claudia's POV:

"What do you mean she knows?" I say wrapping the towel around my body quickly. Being disturbed from my shower was not how I planned my day to start.

"Exactly that, Claudia. Billie knows" his voice terrified. As it should be. His hands on top of his head, pacing the length of our bathroom.

I was against this shit from the start. I remember hearing my boyfriends voice late one night, when we were on tour, coming from outside the bus. It started a couple of days prior, when his phone went off displaying a new text message that read;

"I am sick of lying to her Finneas, I will tell her".

My mind went crazy over this, who was this person and who were they lying to? Was it me?

I tried not to overthink the situation too much, until the following day when I saw yet another message;

"Tonight. Meet me outside your bus then we can "talk".

Immediately coming to the conclusion he was cheating on me, I pretended to be asleep while he kissed my cheek before stepping outside. I wanted to follow this mystery person and catch them. I mean, come on, who says "talk" with the quotation marks and all, and doesn't immediately think of it meaning "fuck".

Turns out I was very wrong. It actually meant yell, and by yell I mean, Finneas being nothing but an asshole to Billie's baby mama.

I peaked out the windows of the main area of the bus, trying to see the person but they had a huge hoodie on with their face covered. I heard Finneas mumble something and then I heard a female voice, which made my stomach drop. This is when I knew it was Vi's.

They began walking in the direction of the arena we were at, I decided to follow them. They moved through the dark hallways until there was an open area with chair and tables, lined against a wall.

I waited to see how their interaction would play out, feeling like I was going to throw up at any sudden movements.

Long story short, a chair was thrown across the room. It was Billie they were lying to and most definitely no cheating. Their voices were still hushed but I knew my boyfriend was blackmailing Violetta. He kept telling her to leave Billie and raise their baby alone.

I listened to the whole thing before running back to the bus, with enough time to sit in the dark like some creepy dad waiting for his teenage daughter to come home.

I then demanded to know everything.

You're probably wondering why I never said anything to Billie or to Violetta that I knew. As complicated as it may seem, I wanted to stay out of it. I knew Billie would find out sooner or later, and I knew this wasn't going to end well. I was originally going to tell Bil the day after I found out, but I couldn't. I didn't want to betray the one I love.

It was a hard decision and I know it will break Billie's heart, and more than likely Vi's too, but I'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.

Not a moment later I hear our front door open followed by a shouting sister in law.

"FINNEAS" Billie's tone deadly.

"I'm going to murder you" she continues, yep, deadly.

"Baby, calm down" Violetta coo's, her voice calm but trembling.

"Here we go" I roll my eyes, adjusting the towel.

"Get the fuck out there and face her" I tell him as I point to the door.

Let's get this over with.



Wow I am so sorry for the delay! To be completely honest; every time I sat down to write, my mind was blank. I've had some serious writers block guys, so I apologise.

But... hi hey hello, how are y'all?

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting blah blah love y'all ❤️

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