Only for the Night

Start from the beginning

"Lena! Please don't leave. I- I can't lose you."

Lena, now facing Kara, tried to look anywhere but in her eyes," Kara...please don't talk like that if you have no intention of letting me in."

"I will let you in Lena, but please hear me out. You're not going to like what I have to say, but if you listen till the end, I hope that you are still willing to be my friend. Our friendship means everything to me which is what I came here to try and tell you."

Lena seemed a bit calmer and Kara got her to agree to sitting back at the table to hear her out. She told her everything. About Lex's attack on her, his threats, why Kara ignored her on the quidditch pitch, her sorrow in the thought of losing her relationship with Lena. Everything.

If Kara was worried that Lena would leave her and break off their friendship at the end of her story, she was wrong. As Kara told her story, Lena made occasional concerned and worried faces, would never let go of her grip on Kara's hand, and even moved her chair closer to hers.

"Kara...I am so sorry. I can't believe my brother would...well actually I can believe. I-ugh I don't even know where to begin to apologize to you."

Kara shook her head," No, no it's not your fault Lena. You didn't do anything."

Lena scoffed and shook her head as a tear grew within her eye," Except get mad at you when in reality you should've been upset with me." 

Kara gently wiped the tear on Lena's cheek," I would never be upset with you over something like this. You have no control over what your brother does Lena even if it's him trying to protect you by taking seriously extreme measures. And I'm taking serial killer measures."

Lena smiled a little despite her watery eyes. Kara gave her a hug and Lena did not let go but instead gripped on tighter to Kara. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably in her chest. Kara almost felt like she was back on her broom, flying. 

Lena whispered against Kara's shoulder," I can't believe I almost risked losing you."

Kara wasn't sure if Lena was actually talking to her or speaking her thoughts out loud but she didn't get a chance to comment as Lex rounded the corner, fists curled at his sides, and yanked Kara away from Lena by the back of her collar. The force was so strong that Kara fell back out of the chair and onto the cold stone floor. Somewhere Lena shouted Lex's name. Sliding across the floor she gripped onto it and looked up to see Lex looking back at her, Lena behind him her eyes wide. Lena was struggling reaching out too Kara but Lex held her back in a deathly grip. His hair was disarrayed and he was shaking in anger from head to toe. He shook Lena by her shoulders roughly, yelling at her about something that Kara couldn't make out as an indescribable rage went through her body. 

Getting herself up off the floor she barreled towards Lex and slammed his body to the ground. Kara pinned him down as he struggled and she took out her wand and pointed it against his cheek forcing him to stop struggling. They were both breathing heavily staring each other down. Kara thought off in her head that they must have seemed like two wolves fighting for the position of alpha. 

Without taking her eyes off of Lex she said," Expelliarmus!" Lex's wand shot out from his hand and into Kara's free one.

"Don't ever touch Lena like that again," Kara stated seriously to him while pointing her wand closer into his face. He struggled his head back against the floor. Kara looked back at Lena who was shaking slightly.

"Are you okay Lena?"

Lena seemed to snap out of whatever held her captive and she nodded her head and came over to Kara. She bent down next to her and held onto her shoulders,

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