Worth the Wait

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Sorry for the wait guys was wrapping up some stuff at school. I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the story so far. Happy Holidays!

Waking up next to Lena seemed like a dream. An unbelievable dream that was somehow Kara's reality. Her raven hair cascaded all down Kara's arm which wrapped around Lena's thin frame. Lena slept against Kara's side still, mouth slightly parted and not a care in the world it seemed to Kara. She couldn't remember seeing something so beautiful, so peaceful, so honest in her entire life. She couldn't help but smile. Damn this girl was cute.

Kara didn't want to wake her up quite yet so she sneakily got out from underneath Lena, which was no easy task. She got dressed, some jeans, boots, her Hufflepuff hoodie and a winter jacket over it. Going back to her bed she gently shook Lena's shoulder causing the girl to stir. Lena opened her eyes sleepily and murmured, "What time is it?"

Kara checked and with a little laugh, "It's noon sleeping beauty. Time to greet the world."

Lena shot up in the bed, hair a mess, eyes hardly open, "What! I never sleep in this late..."

The shock was written all over Lena's face which Kara found extremely amusing. Laughing she took a seat next to Lena on the bed, "Clearly it was a good sleep seeing as there's drool on your face."

Lena wiped her mouth quickly and shoved Kara almost off the bed causing both of them to laugh. "Not a word to anyone about this!"

Kara laughed and put up her right hand, "I solemnly swear."

Lena tilted her head, "That's an odd saying. I like it though, where'd you hear it?"

"My cousin used to attend this school. He had a secret map of Hogwarts where he could see anyone and everyone within the grounds. It's how him and his friends got around secretly through passageways. Buttttt in order to even reveal the maps contents you had to hold your wand against it and recite the words I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Lena seemed intrigued, "That's amazing. Did he give the map to you now that you're at Hogwarts?"

Kara sighed and rolled her eyes, "No he claims that it got him and his friends into a lot of trouble and he doesn't want the same for me. He's an auror now and likes to abide by the rules."

Lena shook her head in amusement, "Oh poor Kara. She'll have to find ways to cause trouble all on her own."

Kara smiled, " You should know nothing can stop me."

Lena stretched her arms above her head, causing her shirt to rise ever so slightly revealing gorgeous smooth skin that Kara wanted to run her hands over. " So it would seem. Shall I go get dressed and we can meet up in a few to head to Hogsmead?"

Shaking herself out of her own fantasies she replied, " Yes! I mean yes of course. I'll meet you in front of the dinning hall."

Lena smiled brightly and hopped off of Kara's bed and scurried to Ravenclaws' dormitory to get ready. Kara suddenly got nervous. She was going with Lena to Hogsmead and Kara could've sworn that it almost was like a date. Shaking her head she reassured herself that they were just two friends hanging out. Nothing to be worried about. Although... she then thought back to the way Lena stared at her lips, or the delicate way she ran her fingers over Kara's face... or even the way Kara couldn't get this raven haired Ravenclaw out of her mind.

Did Kara... like Lena? Like have feelings for her? The idea took Kara by surprise only because she rarely had feelings for anyone. She didn't do it on purpose, but most people just didn't catch her interest in that way. But something about Lena had taken her breath away the moment she saw her on the train. Kara was smiling now without trying to. Lena was absolutely amazing. Intelligent, funny, strong. Shit.... what was Kara going to do? She could continue to just be Lena's friend but Kara worried her feelings would grow too strong, and if Lena got close to her again the way she had last night she was afraid her urge to kiss her would be too strong to hold back.

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