Only for the Night

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Outside the castles' tall glass windows Kara could see the orange and red leaves tumble off the trees in the autumn weather. She loved Hogwarts in the fall. She couldn't explain why, but something about the cozy feeling the fall gave to the world made her wake up to a cloudy morning smiling wide. Today though she felt anxious. Gripping the straps of her bag with two hands tightly she made her way towards the library doors. Stopping just outside of them she took in a deep breath. She was going to explain everything to Lena and get her to be her friend again. She had too. She just couldn't lose her.

With the thought of a smiling Lena in her mind she pushed through the doors and headed towards the back where she would meet with her for tutoring sessions. For a second Kara was worried she might not show, but turning the corner she found her sitting at their usual table, head down, bent over some notes. Kara released a shaky sigh. It was now or never.

Walking over to their table she cleared her throat and said in an attempt to break the tension,"Is this seat taken?"

Lena barley looked up,"Cleary it's yours as this is your tutoring session."

Yikes. This was going to be hard. Kara took a seat and loosened up her tie even though it was barely ever properly tied. Taking a deep breath she said, "Lena please let me explain."

Lena continued to write in her notebook,"There's nothing to explain Kara, and please we have a lot to work on so let's just keep the topic on Potions for today."

"But I ju-"

Lena's hand stopped writing,"Just what? Look Kara, clearly I  misinterpreted the situation. I'm your tutor and we don't have to be anything more. Now open your books we're going to be starting with the remedies that can be produced with beetle wings."

Kara dropped her voice to a gentle tone that Alex usually used on her whenever she was upset,


No reaction. Lena continued to look down at her notes, hiding her face from view. Reaching across the table and grabbing her hand gently in hers she said," Lena...please look at me."

Lena took in a breath when she grabbed her hand, but she did not pull away. Looking up slowly Kara finally could see her eyes and just how hurt she was. Deep within in those emerald eyes Kara saw the pain she'd cause her, and she hoped that Lena could see into her ocean eyes the sorrow she felt for doing it. Lena bit her bottom lip and tried to look away but Kara squeezed her hand gently to grab her attention again.

"Lena... I don't even know where to start. I am so so sorry for pushing you away. I would never do that to you if there wasn't good reason. I-I was worried about you. I pushed you away because I didn't want you to get hurt."

Lena made a frustrating face, "So you figured you'd hurt me yourself? Yes, because that makes sense Kara."

"It did make sense. If you only knew why I was doing what I was doing...Lena I didn't want to stop talking to you, or seeing you but the consequences were greater than my wants. I couldn't stand it if anything ever happened to you."

"Kara if you're asking for my forgiveness you have to tell me everything. You can't just expect me to accept everything and move on. What were you trying to protect me from?"

Kara hesitated. How would Lena take Kara telling her about what her brother had done. Would she believe Lex over Kara? She couldn't lose her like this. Lena took Kara's silence as an answer and took her hand away. In a hurry she started to pack her things up," You know what I actually can't do this today. We can reschedule or something, I'm sorry-I," Lena made to leave to Library but Kara jumped and reached after her. Grabbing her by her wrist she turned her around to face her,

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