Chapter 4

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Athena Pov

After the whole fiasco at mine and Bobby's parents house we were all headed back to the mansion. Little did we know that Stryker and his men took the rest of the kids back to his base and set a trap for us. "You think it's funny? Let's go set fire to your house next time?" Bobby let out a frustrated yell at Pyro. "Too late." Pyro said not caring. "You almost killed those cops, John." Rogue also let out a frustrated yell at Pyro. "So? Athena or Logan would have," Pyro started to say as he turned to look at Logan "If he hadn't gotten shot in the head."

Knowing Logan he was starting to get annoyed by Pyros smart ass comments as was I. I got up from my seat and whacked Pyro's head as well as leaving a burn mark on his shoulder and headed to the cockpit to see how it was going. Logan stared at me with a smirk and turn his attention to the cockpit. Jean turned around and looked at him. Soon Logan got up from his seat and joined Storm, Jean, and I. "How far are we?" Logan asked Jean. "We're coming up on the mansion now." Jean replied.

All of a sudden I got this cold chill down my spine and I knew we were in trouble. I turn my gaze towards the monitor as it started going off telling us that there were two fast moving red blips. "We've got two signals, coming in fast." Storm told all of us which woke up Remy. All of a sudden Remy, and the kids notice that two F16 Fighters were coming right behind us and fired missiles at us. "Who the hell are these guys?" Bobby yelled out. "EVERYBODY HANG ON!" Storm yelled at us.

"Guys I got this, just open up the hatch." I told Jean and Storm. "You sure?" Storm and Bobby asked me. "Yeah." I said in confidence. "Ok opening up the hatch." Jean called out to me. "Be careful sis." Bobby called out to me. "Always am." I said. I jumped down the hatch and yelled my most famous words that always put a smile on Remy's face. "FLAME ON." I yelled.

" I yelled

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While I was defending off two missiles I didn't realize that there was more missiles  coming towards the X-Jet

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While I was defending off two missiles I didn't realize that there was more missiles coming towards the X-Jet.

3rd POV

The X-Jet banks hard and barrel rolls just barely dodging the exploding missiles. The fighters jets still on their tail. The kids were trying not to panic. Nightcrawler climbs into a tight space behind his chair and makes the "sign of the cross" with his fingers. Pyro starts to sweat hard. "Don't we have any weapons on this ship?" Logan and Remy asked at the same time.

Jean glances over to Storm. Storm nods and her eyes glowed white. The rumbling dark clouds begin to form in front of the X-Jet. Lightning flashes as they head straight into the eye of the growing storm with the F16s right behind them.

As the clouds begin to swirl, faster and faster, twisting into a long, thin funnels. One forms, and another, until the sky is filled with a dozen roaring tornados. They writhe like giant serpents, allowing the X-Jet to pass between them and Athena as she flies right behind them. The F16s weren't as lucky they darted and weaved, trying to avoid the storms wrath. The first fighter pilot had a lock on the X-Jet. As he was about to pull the trigger he was shoot down by a giant fire ball. The second fighter was skillfully swerving around the funnel clouds, and dodging Athena's attacks and was still in pursuit.

Jean and Logan took a look at the beeping radar screen then nervously to Storm. The remaining F16 banks and rolls avoiding tornados and Athena. The fighter was quickly gaining on the X-Jet. Suddenly, the clouds around the F16 began to swirl until it was completely encased in a long dark tunnel. The F16 began to roll wildly inside the tornado losing control, but managed to fire two more missiles. Just before the tornado bends and hurls the F16 to the ground. The pilot ejects, but the missiles continued on its warpath easily passing through the storm and dodging Athena's attacks.

Jean stares at the radar screen again with two blips rush towards them. "Can you stop them?" Storm asked Jean. "I'll try." Jean said. As Jean concentrates hard Storm yanks the stick back. The X-Jet's wings flowed up as it flies faster out of the storm. Both missles roar towards the jet, but was destroyed by Athena. Storm stares at the radar noticing that one missile disappeared but the radar's blip was getting closer. "Jean?" Storm asked. Jean holds her head tightly, concentrating using all of her powers to try and stop the remaining missile. Concentrating so hard that everything else drops out. She closes her eyes the X-Men waiting.

On the radar screen the second missile was getting to close and Athena couldn't do anything to stop it or she would kill everyone on the jet. Jean opens her eyes terrified. "Oh, God." Jean quietly says. Boom! The missile exploded the jet disappeared in a cloud of fire and smoke. Athena was thrown back by the blast into a tree, but she shook it off and started flying towards the jet. A large hole was blown in the roof of the jet. It decompresses and everyone screams were drowned by the shrieking wind. Rogue was being pulled upward towards the hole. Her gloved hands slowly slipping out of Bobby's and she was sucked out.

Athena witness Rogue in the air and flew fast towards her and caught her bringing both of them to the jet. Jean and Storm worked the controls trying to stabilize the jet. Through the windshield the earth rises to meet them with dizzying speed. Storm strains trying to pull out of the nosedive. The altimeter showing their decent to 3000 feet, 2500, 2000... Jean's hand reaches over and grabs Logan's. She turns to him eyes tearing up. Logan stared back, surprised. The plane is getting lower and lower. Storm closes her eyes. THIS IS IT. They all thought.

"STORM!" Athena yell which caught Storms attention not realizing that she was back in the jet and had Rogue in her arms. Athena pointed at the hole in the roof that was bending and twisting slowly repairing its self on its own. The screams of the wind dies down to a whistle as the hole closes completely. Then the falling jet begins to slow. Their speed drops from 80 knots to 70 to 60 and so on. Jean stared at the controls shaking her head. She's just as stunned. 15 knots...10...5 The ground is getting closer and with a slight jolt...they stop. The mutants stare at each other, confused and shocked. They look out the windshield. Below them a quiet road with a black town car parked nearby.

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