A Next Generation Legend: Part 5

Start from the beginning

"To be honest..." Taka looked rather downtrodden "I've always had a very particular way of living my life...I've never had a normal conversation that don't relate to general society or the economy, I've never played any video games, and...well, I've never really had anyone I could really call a friend...Simply because I overreact and cannot relate to people...I've tried making friends, but whenever I would make conversation, it would die after a few minutes..."

"Taka..." Chihiro felt his heart sink at hearing about this...

"My point is," Taka brushed it all aside "being called a genius is like being lumped in with all those lazy slouches who refuse to put in any sort of effort! We are Ultimate Students; the best of the best prodigies, but those are just silly titles. Aside from our status as Hope's Peak Students, we're just normal people. We know what it means to have to make an effort. You understand, right?"

"Hmph...too well..." Mondo scratched his head "I gotta put in a lotta effort in leading a gang of so many rambunctious people..."

"And that's exactly why they look up to you and see you as the leader...The same was true for your brother," Taka explained "And that's also why I'm so passionate about my work on the morals committee. I want to create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to give it everything they've got. That's why I put all my blood, sweat, and tears into creating that kind of environment. I want everyone else to understand that, too. In the end, you can't succeed if you don't try, and anyone who says differently is selling something. To me, Effort is everything! That's the only way to fix anything in this world and I have to prove that to all the ordinary people out there so they'll keep on trying! I have to become the ordinary man who can surpass any genius! Those are the feelings I carried with me when I was accepted into Hope's Peak but...now I've been kidnapped...and robbed of the opportunity presented to me..."

"Taka I...I didn't realize you felt so strongly about it..." Chihiro felt his heart sink even lower "I'm so sorry..."

"No, I'M sorry," Taka sighed "I came here to exercise with the people I consider close. I did not mean to burden you with my pathetic complaints..."

"I'm the one who started it..." Mondo apologized also "If I hadn't been so down on myself, this wouldn't've happened...and it ain't pathetic at all bro!"

"He's right!" Chihiro enthused "I can totally understand why you'd be upset. You obviously feel really strongly about this. I really hope you don't give up hope and start to lose track of what you want to do. If you really believe that effort is what matters, then you CAN'T give up, right? Because if you can't make that effort, then what do you have left?"

Taka seemed rather taken aback by their words, and then suddenly, a single tear began to fall out of his eye.

"Wha-!? Are you ok!? Why are you crying!?" Mondo asked.

"M-My apologies..." Taka wiped his eyes "it's just...I think until you said that just now, I'd totally forgotten what I was here for..."

"Don't worry about it..." Chihiro smiled "I'll try and put in that extra effort too, for all our sakes."

"Me too man..." Mondo gave the thumbs up.

"You two put more effort in than anyone else, besides maybe Kyoko," Taka said "that's why I respect you both but...hey...would you mind if I told you a little story?"

"A story?" Chihiro asked "what kind of story..."

"Let me start with a question," Taka said "have either of you ever heard of Toranosuke Ishimaru?"

"I think so...?" Mondo asked "wasn't he like...president or something?"

"He was a retired prime minister of Japan, but his time in the position wasn't very long..." Chihiro thought, but then realizing the common last name, his eyes widened "w-wait, don't tell me he-!?"

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