Unexpected Rajeev opened his mouth and said with smile, "Suhana, Namita is right. You should attend this type of functions usually in future."

She pouted and complained, "brother in law, in stead of helping me, you are throwing me from cliff."

Namita hit Suhana's arm lightly and said with amusement, "Drama queen, stop acting now. I am really wonderful. Why don't you join entertainment industry? Really, our bollywood is missing a big star."

Suhana rolled her eyes. They all  laughed.

After reaching at charity event venue, Suhana looked at hotel from outside. It was one of luxurious hotel of city. She understood it's hard to get the pass of this event even with money until you have no connection. And getting VIP passes are beyond of her imagination. She looked at Namita with awe.

When Rajeev was checking in, Suhana  pulled Namita's arm lightly and whispered with curiosity, "Sis, how did brother in law get the passes?" Their passes were general passes but she was really excited.

Namita whispered back proudly, "Rajeev started new project with big company. That company has a lot of connection. He got the passes from them. When first time, I heard about it, my reaction was same as you."

Suhana asked with hestitation, "and you want me to come with both of you?"

Namita smiled brightly and hit her forehead lightly, "Of course silly, you are family." Suhana was feeling blessed that her sister insisted to her to come here with them. It meant her sister really cared about her.

Suhana also smiled brightly. Namita suggested her, "If you fancy anything here in auction, just tell me if it would be in our budget, we will buy for you."

Suhana nodded with smile because she knew how much expensive those things would be? Namita said it that was enough for Suhana. She was not greedy person and most importantly, she believed in  independence. Since she started to earn, she hardly asked her parents something. Then how can she ask her married sister and brother in law? But she knew her sister's intention was clear.

As they entered the charity event hall, Suhana was stunned looking at arrangements. She only heard about this type of charity events but she never joined. If she guessed correctly, then there would be big celebrities and legends belonging for auction. It meant the starting price would not be less than her two months salary.

After seated on their arranged seats, She asked with curiosity, "which belongings will there be at auction?"
Their seats were in fifth row.

Rajeev took out pamphlet from his pocket and handed over her. Namita also didn't know that's why she was also wondering. Suhana and Namita were checking the items together. With looking at item, they were looking at price. Ofcourse, the prices were important to them.

Namita fancied a necklace which was from a famous artist while Suhana liked a bracelet which was from a historical queen. It was simple but beads' colour was unique that catches her eyes. But when she saw the price she was stunned. It was the most expensive item of this auction. She gulped her saliva because she knew she can't afford it. And she couldn't ask to her sister and brother in law to buy it for her. 

Namita said with excitement while putting her index finger on necklace pic, "I like it. Suhana, what do you think about it?"

Suhana also looked at that necklace. It was really fantastic. It was made of white gold with diamond. The design was mind blowing. Suhana smiled and gave compliment, "it's really fantastic."

Namita said with cheerful voice, "I knew it." She turned to Rajeev and asked, "Rajeev,what do you think?"

Rajeev nodded with smile, "It's great. Ok, I will try to buy it." It's auction and prices were not fixed until bidding. That's why anything can't be sure.

Namita knew what Rajeev wanted to say. Rajeev was ready to buy it for her. It was enough for her. She felt really blessings to marry with Rajeev. In her friends group and society, Rajeev is best and outstanding husband. She is really arrogant that he is her husband. After all, who doesn't want to show off her outstanding and handsome husband to others?

Namita looked at Suhana who was looking pamphlet with mixed expression and asked, "Suhana, what do you like from it?"

Suhana tried to smile and said, "Sis, I can't decide anything. Why don't we let to start auction and see if there is something for me?"

Namita knew Suhana very well that's why she didn't push her any further but she decided to her mind if Suhana didn't say to buy herself then she will buy for her sister.

Suhana is her little sister that's why she wanted her to be happy.

The bidding of auction started soon. The first item was  fur stall which was owned by a celebrity. It was pure and one of expensive.  Males wanted to buy for impress to wife or girlfriend  while females wanted to buy for herself. While Namita and suhana were not interested into it that's why Rajeev didn't participate to bid. They were enjoying their time together.   The bid price increased by five times. Finally, a respected business man bought it.  Suhana was listening comments and she was wondering and amused how peoples are crazy what they fancy for.

Suhana was particular girl and she had no much ambitious. Since childhood, she was calm girl. She fancies something if she got, fine. If she didn't then also fine. Her life motto was clear 'live and let live'. That's why she accepts any atmosphere so quickly. Even she rarely has conflict with others because of her personality.

The auction was going smoothly. Suhana was listening the host comments carefully and sometimes namita and she was putting their points and Rajeev also joined them. They were enjoying their family time.

Finally, the bidding started to necklace which Namita fancied. The host described each and every part of that necklace while the pointer showed it closely.

Suhana gave compliment, "it's really fantastic."

Namita looked Rajeev with sparking eyes. Rajeev also wanted to buy it. That's why he also participated to bid it. But what was shocking to them, the price increased twenty lakh to ninety lakhs. When Namita saw it, she said Rajeev, "Rajeev, it's ok. Your intention was clear. It's enough for me." Because she knew it's beyond their budget and Rajeev already started new project that's why he needed to more liquidate assets. By the way, She didn't want to waste his money.

Rajeev was disappointed because he wanted to his wife happy. But he knew his limits. He tried to console her, "baby, I am sorry. I will buy another new necklace with new design for you. How about it?"

Namita knew he was upset than her that's why she laughed brightly and hugged his arm, "it's great idea. I like it."

Even, Rajeev was upset but looking at his wife bright smile, he was relieved. Suhana was looking their interaction and pouted, 'Can't they care her feeling? Come on, she is single and loud sigh, there was slight chance that  she will marry in future.'

She was really regretted now to come with them here. 'were they intentionally teasing her that she is single?'

She tried to distract herself that's why she took out her mobile and thought to play game. As she took out mobile from her bag, she recalled about kavish. She was wondering, 'what is he doing right now?'

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