Chapter 20- The First Battle

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3rd Person POV

Within the capital, Erickson was working in his workshop. He had just developed a new schematic for a new type of generator. With him was his daughter Melissa, who was building her vending machine prototype.

Melissa: Hey papa?

Erickson: Yes Melissa?

Melissa: Those big armored men, the super soldiers, how did you make them?

Erickson: Well that's a bit of a secret sweetheart

Melissa: I know, but can you tell me a little bit?

Erickson: Very well, I made them off the genetic template of Alexander

Melissa: General Alexander, the nice man Sheele once told me about?

Erickson: Yes him, about a month or so back I asked for three samples of his blood. I used one of those samples to help make the astartes, the super soldiers

Melissa: Wow, but why not make more?

Erickson: I haven't standardized the process yet exactly. It's rather complicated and the gene seed amongst the astartes is extremely unique. Then again Alexander's blood itself is unique

Melissa: Wow, so in a way they're somewhat related to him? Or is it different?

Erickson: Different, they themselves have their own DNA. But it is Alexander's blood mixed into them in a certain process that allows me to make them into astartes

Melissa: Wow, is there anything that I can know about them papa?

Erickson: They are extremely loyal to the Empire and General Alexander

Melissa: Cool, also where's that floating skull thing you had? I need it to help seal part of my machine papa

Coincidentally, before Erickson could answer his daughter the very thing she mentioned entered the lab. It was a skull with mechanical parts attached to it and seemed to be levitating off the ground.

 It was a skull with mechanical parts attached to it and seemed to be levitating off the ground

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Erickson: Ah, I think the servo skull heard you Melissa

Melissa: Yay! Although the skull is a bit unsettling papa

Erickson: Eh, I chose to repurpose certain parts of dead prisoners

Melissa: I guess it makes sense, we don't want to waste anything

Erickson: Exactly

The servo skull then began welding some of the machine shut for Melissa. She smirked and began attaching a panel to the side as Erickson put his schematics away. He then thought back to the book he translated for Martin.

Erickson (thoughts): I only ever read a part of the book after translating it. The texts mentioned something about a being called the Anathema.....

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