Chapter 8- The Arrival

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3rd Person POV

Within the capital of the Empire, the Emperor and Prime Minister Honest were in the Imperial Palace. General Esdeath had returned after successfully conquering the Northern Tribes.

Emperor: General Esdeath, for your success in conquering the Northern Tribe we have arranged a reward of ten thousand gold coins

Esdeath: I'm grateful your highness, I'll send it to the soldiers still fighting to protect our land. They will be pleased

Honest (thoughts): Esdeath truly doesn't care for money or power, she is only concerned with war and victory. As long as I'm in control she can destroy whatever she wishes. Our interests can coexist, she is the ideal puppet

Esdeath: Now that I've returned to the capital from the northern lands your majesty can once again rest at ease. I shall be terminating Night Raid next

Emperor: Quite an undertaking, we would like to compensate you for such an ambitious achievement with more than just money. Is there something else you'd prefer?

Esdeath: Actually there is, if I could choose anything......

Emperor: Go on......

Esdeath: I believe I'd like to try falling in love

This prompted a surprised reaction from both the Emperor and Minister Honest. In all honesty they probably weren't expecting that at all. Nevertheless, the Emperor was confident and determined to help Esdeath find love......

 Nevertheless, the Emperor was confident and determined to help Esdeath find love

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Emperor: "Ah, yes that sounds reasonable. You are a single woman of marriageable age after all! I will serve as your match maker, so what is your opinion of the minister here?" he said before gesturing towards Honest

Honest: Eh?! Wait what?!

Esdeath: The minister doesn't take very good care of himself, he will not live much longer

Honest: "Preposterous, I am in perfect health!" he said before eating some sushi "Well then would you be so kind as to tell us what you'd like?"

Esdeath: First let me warn you I can be terribly selective, very few men will come close to my expectations. Once I'm ready I will present you with an extensive list of my preferences

Back at the hideout of Night Raid, Mine had been struggling to eat her food. She had been trying to eat but her arm, which was now in a cast, kept bothering her. Akame saw this and attempted to spoon feed the crippled Mine.

Akame: "Here" she said holding a spoon of food up to Mine

Mine: I don't need you to spoon feed me

Akame: "But it'll get cold" she said in an almost adorable way

Mine: "Okay I guess you win....." she said before Akame spoon fed her

Tatsumi stood in the kitchen near the sink washing dishes. He looked back at Akame who was still spoon feeding the crippled Mine.

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