The End Of An Era (Season Finale)

Start from the beginning

She looked at me with her unique colored eyes. She had a big smile on her face.

Erone:"I would accept you after everything we've already been through. You saved my life...that only shows how much you cared for me...even if we only recently met"

I gave her a smile and pat her head.

"Alright. Go to sleep. We've got a big day tomorrow" As I stood up and began to walk away. She suddenly grabbed my hand. I turned to her to see her looking away from me.

Erone:"C-Could I call you....Dad?" She quietly Muttered as I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Yes. You're my Daughter. Call me whatever you want" Her smile was so Pure to see. I never want to see her sad. I'll do everything to keep her happy.

I left the room after that and walked to our balcony to stare at the moon that stared back. My shaggy (H/C) hair waved calmly in the air as I smiled at it.

[Directors POV]

(Y/N):"You know...I've always wondered what it would be like if you all didn't hurt me the way you did Luna" He said as he heard light footsteps coming towards him.

Luna:"How'd you know it was me?" She asked as he turned his head slightly glancing at her.

(Y/N) :"Two years of immense training gives you a sixth sense in a kind of way. I knew when you left your room" He said with a smile as she silently stared at him.

Luna:"Listen (Y/N)...I-...I'm sorry for everything that happened to you" She Muttered as he slowly turned around to look at her.

(Y/N):"Luna There-"

Luna:"Stop!" She Yelled at him as she just stared at her in silence. "Just let me....let me speak my mind"

She took a deep breath and looked at him with a complicated expression.

Luna:"I...I'm sorry for not being able to help you when you were in pain. I was always under mom's control and I knew my days were numbered until you...Changed the Timelines true intent on my life. I'm not saying that I'm not grateful that you saved my life. I'm only wondering....Why? Why did you save me? " She asked as he looked at her with a neutral expression.

Luna:"Just tell me! You didn't do it for me! I have uses so you probably wanted to act as my savior and take me in hiding your true intentions!" She angrily Yelled as she began to weakly punch his chest as he didn't budge.

Luna:"I was ready to die! I prepared for it! Nobody cares! No one will care! I lost your trust years ago!" She Yelled as tears began to stream down her face. "I didn't want to do it! I loved you and dad! Even if we weren't there for each other all like that! We would smile and hug and have a good time...Why are you doing this...i don't want forgiveness for what I've done...but I just want to know...why...did you save me..."

She began to fall to her knees in front of him. Silently weeping her emotions away.

She suddenly felt his hand on her head and looked up at him with her eyes wide.

(Y/N):" I didn't save you because I needed to. I saved you because I wanted you to live a normal life. Something that I can't have anymore. I will always remember the pain you all gave me, but if I had known you were being brainwashed by this" He pointed at the metal object around her neck " I would have known that you didn't have a choice in this. Yes I'm not very fond of you because of the memories you bring. Yes I don't want to be near you right now. But I do want us to fix our relationship. I will give you a chance once the time comes. Now go to bed. I will find you a place tomorrow to live at."

"That All You Got?" Male Reader X Highschool DxD [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now