Chapter Twenty-Nine: Risen Dead

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 Sapphire Nightborne


No wonder no one detected her entering the stronghold and Amelia claimed that her scent was strange... she was no longer a wolf, something that I had made sure of.

"Surprised to see me, Sapphire? Surprise that, in your words, *a weak pathetic human* managed to get through your defenses and kidnap Chloe..."

I began to tune her out as I focused my attention of Chloe whose her were squinted shut as she whimpered in pain, the front of her dress a darker shade than the rest. The shock from the kidnapping must have pushed her to start labour earlier, I needed to get her away from Karmen to somewhere safe.

My planning was interrupted as a whizzing sound caused me to look back up, my hand catching the bolt in the nick of time, just an inch away from my face.

"This time I am not going to be ignored! You will listen to what I have to say!"

Karmen waved the crossbow in the air, eyes wild as she spoke. If this was any other time, I would have just tackled her to the ground and wrestled the weapon from her... but I could not risk her shooting Chloe. I held up my palms, dropping the bolt, and slowly walked towards Karmen who backed away from me, aiming the crossbow right at my head.

"Karmen, I am listening to you now, okay? You did all of this to get me here, and here I am now. Just let Chloe go--"

"No! Do you really think I am that stupid? I know how this plays out, I let Chloe go and you attack me once she is out of danger! You are not going to win this time! I made sure of it!"

I could not help but gasp as she produced a vial from her pocket, its red contents sloshing precariously within its glass walls.

"This might not affect you or me, but I am sure Chloe would disagree. If any of you attempt to escape or mindlink your pack, I will break this vial and you, Sapphire, will have to watch Chloe rip her children from womb."

Chloe let out a sob at Karmen's words before doubling over in pain... I needed to do something, but I could not risk the vial breaking as Chloe had no way of escaping... shifting now would mean the demise of her children.

"Karmen, just let me help Chloe, please. Let me help her and leave this place. I promise that you will never ever have to see me again, you can have Damien all to yourself. Just like you wanted, right?"

I spoke each word slowly with caution, monitoring Karmen's expressions. Her erratic behaviour made her dangerous and unpredictable, so the best thing I could do now, so that Chloe and I could leave here with our lives. was say what she wanted to hear. I looked over to Chloe, who was now bracing her entire weight against the tree as her head swayed from side to side, I needed to buy time to get her out of here if I wanted any chance of saving her and her children.My body tensed even further as Karmen let out a hysterical laugh at my words before walking closer to me, stopping just inches in front of me and placing the end of the crossbow directly against the skin of my forehead. I could feel it cut into my skin as she pressed against it harder.

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