Chapter 23 • Not A Simple Shonen Fantasy | Reincarnated From Vanity

Start from the beginning

I am no saint.
Not all my actions were wise or compassionate or in good faith.
Nor am I a stranger to wild and vain foolishness.

I'm not a good person.
And I fear to judge others in fear that myself would be judged.
And which is why I embrace forgiveness and mercy.

When I see someone.
I beg myself;
scrambling a reason for mercy towards others.
Devil's advocate?

It is why I cling into logical apathy and trust not my emotions.
because it's for my sake if I spare mercy unto others.
Contrary if people think I'm a good person.

I am an old man.
Having seen enough.
Having heard enough
Having read enough.
Having thought enough.
Having mourn enough.

We live not in a simple shonen manga. (Know this reference?)

And so shall I keep this paradox.
So that may the divine might spare me for my wrong.

Am I wrong?
Will I be wrong?
No, I will.... Eventually, I'm sure of it


Here I felt something critical was going on.
But somehow I'm not there ,
and though.... near
What is it?
Can't exactly place my finger on what or why.

This was not my problemI know this very well.
But I'll be damned if I let this go.
I'm an old man who seen my mistakes conspire ignorantly.

If that be it;
I shouldn't waste too much time contemplating.


From there I sprinted as fast that I could....
nay, I might even flew.
And perhaps flew I did.
I imbued my body and particularly my legs.
 Maintaining a height of about 5 feet off the ground,
I kicked off the adjacent walls closing.
I ran toward an area about a 10 min walk down to roughly 45s
I was practically wind itself.

<[Chaotic Bloodlust] activated>

Quickly, hastily!
Before it's too late!
But what if it was too late?
...I don't know,
but something...
I hope.

As I drew closer to the a scene,
my ears began to gather more.
A glimpse of five figures I saw.
The accent of a sword being unsheathed.
A glimmer, a shimmer from death reaper's metal.

And from a distance of 10 stone throws away.
I propelled myself forward.
I'm one reckless fool
A sword was raised.
A sword was lowered.
A sword that should have landed flat on a man's head.
A sword that should have sent that man to an early afterlife....
an inconceivable blur followed

I think I made it in time....?

Sweat as cold as ice seared down from my back and neck.
My face peeled itself;
plush of red blood,
waves of fright.
My heart pounding as if a rotary engine alight.
It's ...
oh it's deafening...
Why must I get into these sort of situations?

I might have missed the exact moment of what exactly happen at the time of blow

If I could describe it.
When the dust settled.

I found myself...
I found myself between two people.

.... I made it
......I made it!

The sensations of the bones at my hand rattling.
I think I feel something hanging?
Both of my small hands grasping tightly on a blade's razor edge.
Holding back against a full swing.

A warm sensation trickling down my wrist and arm.
Soiling a good part of my dress.
There was no pain....

I can't feel my hand....
I can't feel my hand..?
What hand?
No matter....

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