Chapter 14 • Tom boy Princess | Reincarnated From Vanity

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Princess POV

Today's the day!
Finally some luisure time!
Too much work needed to be done...
Ancient language, History, Accounting, Logistics, Magic Study's, and on top of that the news of a mafia...
There's no end to it all...

Sometimes I amaze myself with how much I can get done....

Observing the yard for the right timing.
And just when the guards switch position...
Is when I strike.

Honestly I have done this for 4 years and they have yet to realise how I was able to escape so frequently...
Will they ever figure it out?

All I need to do is walk out the window, across the 2 story wall,
passing the poet's chamber( too loud) , sneak past the hall via roof,
down the ladder prepared 2 hours ago, past the garden by the tall bushes, into the gardener trail, a hole on the wall, and finally I'm out to the outer wall.

From here there are minimal guards but there are occasions to that so to make sure, I go along the wall, and down following down stream.
From here is mostly some people tending to the castle garden but mostly trees and nature.
It's empty during this time, especially during winter.
A background noice from the nearby river is mostly heard.
Crickets and the occasional fish that swims by.
Perhaps I'll be lucky to spot a deer?

After a while I'll walk past the bridge. By then it's probably known to the guards that 'the princess has miraculous escaped again, assuming that I'm even still within the guarded castle wall, or even the castle itself....

Or is it me whose uncatchable?

Haha when will they ever learn? Well after the bridge has been passed, there comes the local market nearby. If you wondering whether I was wearing royalty than isn't the obvious answer is no? Like I said, prepared... I had time to change in to commoner clothes, or rather a merchant's daughter as an alias. Beneath the bridge is common place to change or the woods nearby. I can't exactly change my outfit at the castle, because it'll take too long and arose suspicion.

You can't believe what woman would wear, even in the summer. Men I suppose are lucky~

Few hundreds meters untill the nearest shop... And thus the market.

Now that I'm here, I have at least 2 to 3 hours until they start giving up searching for me in the castle and start heading to the city and eventually to the market. Oh well my guards are quite the zealous ones are they. I'm not even their child... Especially that Hans boy...
Really uptight men these days.

Well I do have three older brothers and a younger brother, so four brothers. But sisters? Equal zilch... Probably that's why I've grown to be a tomboy... I mean my elder brothers also escaped frequently as well, perhaps that indirectly influence me huh? Can't blame them though, this is too fun.

The market is a lively place, filled with goods from in and out of the country. There's a harbor nearby, the river I just passed will stray there. It was said that this was a prominent trading Post before the kingdom even started. And obviously before it became a capital.
You can see metal works, gemstones, woodcraft, secular food and harvest. There's almost everything here that you can imagine, and in abundance. Well I suppose the slaves are also traded here...

You see the slave market are often prisoners of war, criminals, or debtors. They do buissness out in the open on the side of the harbor, on the Western part of the market. It's practically adjacent to the slums nearby. It location is rather far from here, a good quater a day on horse back to get there from here. But I still can't help but thinking about it every time I see one pass by.

My uncle said that it was a great stimuli for the economy.
My dad said it had been here long before us and long after us.
Mother's just keep quite... She just says that to be mindful not to associate with them in any matter.

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