Chapter 13 • Dire Extravagant | Reincarnated From Vanity

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I suppose I outdone myself...
I suppose I have a tendency to feel slightly sluggish in the morning?

I felt my chest was weighted a bit...
Not enough to hinder my breathing though...

Warm and this fuzzy feeling...
Soft to the touch~
Am I in a bed?

I guess time to work another day~

As to my surprise when I opened my eyes...

Rather than the grotesque wooden ceiling I'm accustomed to.

It's a highly decorated canopy with silk cloth hanging...
Painting of beautiful men in clouds and angels...
It's a valued wooden mural

Walls was decorated with light green and a tint of gold.
A display of decorated vase was there.
A study desk and a wardrobe was found
Unfamiliar background...

Faint light pierced through the glass panels

...I'm not home...

My clothes?!?

A white nightdress as worn
Lightly fitted and loosened
Soft texture of cloth, unlike my pajamas
Slight hint of lavender

But not mine...

The bandages on my arm was still there...
But I don't recognize these
My old rugged bandages I use everyday was not to be seen

Also not mine...

Did someone change these?
Did someone saw my tattoos?
I think someone bathe me...
And all kind of wild thoughts came rushing in...

Where is this place?
Was I kidnapped? But I have nothing on me...
Noble? Duke?


<Yes miss?>

<Where am I?>

<I can not say miss...>

I see... Not..
As I try to remember my past
Wasn't I last tried to saved a lady in distress?
Her house? No...
It was nothing out of the ordinary, right?

By the way, maybe I might have to be sent to prison...
I did in fact lacerated and harm three people...
Even though they are the original perpetrators
Still I might be guilty...
I hope that lady can vouch for me as a witness/victim
Or she might left me...

Or did she saved me?

I tried to get up before failing
You see there was an arm
Acting as if a meat seatbelt...
And the owner of that arm was...
That very lady...

The one I met earlier?

Her face was right up to mine...
Way too close...
I can even feel her moist breath against my cheek
Long eye lashes, small lips, pale complexion...
And that luxurious brown hair...
A bit of freckles in her left cheek too...

And the fact she was much bigger than me
I'm a child afterall...
And she alike a mother's figure
Or is it just me babbling nonsense here?

Very beautiful...
Even by earth standards..
Much make-up would be need though

As I gaze on...


Even though as a female with premature predisposition
I am still a man in the inside right?

And then suddenly those eyes opened
Eyes, deep blue as aquamarine
Her gaze went to my deep into my eyes

For a moment... There was a pause...
I hold my breath...

Reincarnated From VanityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon