7.2 - Resolution

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Location: Mines
Time: 0614


"C'mon, Josh," I call to him, sinking into the water. "We're almost there." I tell him with a hint of encouragement in my voice. "Yeah... we're close..." He mutters as he follows suit. Wading through the water, an unsettling feeling washed over me.

Before I know it, a force pulls me into the water. "No!" I heard Josh scream. Not wasting another second, I swam up to the surface and hopelessly watch as Josh was kidnapped by a Wendigo. "Josh!" I called after him.

Swimming to solid ground, I jump out of the water and ran after the monster. "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" I cursed as I broke into a sprint. "Why can't anything go in my favor?!" I shouted.





Blinded by my own actions, I did not see the downward slope below me. Gravity did its work and brought me down as I stumble down it. "Motherfucker..." I groaned, picking myself up from the ground.

Bringing my flashlight up, I swayed it around to get a better understanding of my surrounding. "Where the hell am I?" I let out as my flashlight traced several mining devices and commodities. "Right now's not the time, Y/N. Keep going... you have to get out of here and find Josh..." I told myself as I dragged my feet forward.

. . .

After the gradual passing of a few minutes, I spotted a small light source accompanied by ushered voices. "Hello!!!"I called into the tunnel as it echoes through. Getting no reply, I tried again.

"Hello!!! I know you're there!!!" I shouted again. "Show yourself!!!" I shouted once more. I was then met with an all too familiar scream. "Shit..." I muttered under my breath and squeezed into a wall opening.

I slowed my breathing and took shallow breaths. The Wendigo appeared next to me, but not how I imagined it. I hissed in pain as its nails dug into my bicep. 'Relax, Y/N... the pain will go away. Let the adrenaline run through.' I comforted myself as the monster speeds away to find its next prey.

I peel out of the opening and turn my flashlight back on. "Y/N?" A voice called to me. Turning to the source, my eyes widen at the sight of...

"Matt? Jess?" I let out as I dragged my way to them. "I thought..." I dragged on. "Trust me, that's what I thought when I met up with Jess." Matt replies as I envelop them in a hug.

"Now that I know you two are, at least, in one shape, we can get out of here." I say as I let go of the hug. "Yeah. We gotta get out of here." Matt nods. At that, we started progressing through the tunnel.

Matt is at the front while I trail behind Jess. I noticed how slow she was. 'With all of that dried blood and that gash across her chest, she might've had it the worst than both me and Matt.' I told myself.

Suddenly, the cries of a Wendigo echoed through the tunnel. "Not again..." I grumbled as I looked around our surroundings. I noticed light seeping through a boarded wall.

I rammed into it and went through. "Jess! Matt! Hide!" I whisper shouted as I hid. Matt and Jess follow and held their breaths. The Wendigo appeared right next to me and started looking for any movement.

Fortunately, the monster gave up and ran away. Simultaneously, all three of us heaved a sigh and caught our breaths. Looking away from where the Wendigo last was, I spotted the lodge in the distance. "Coast's clear. Let's go." I urge them, looking away from the lodge.

'Hang tight, Sam. I'm coming.'

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