6.3 - Karma

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Location: Sanatorium
Time: 0513


"For the love of...! Stop straying close to the cells, Mike!" I shouted at him, pulling him back, dodging another one of the Wendigo's clutches. "Let's keep moving, it should be close, right?" I ask him.

"Right." He nods as I follow after him. Suddenly, Wolfie barks, warning us of incoming danger. The door was right in front of us. Not stopping, I ram my body into the door, only to push it slightly open.

I step back and kick it down, to only slightly push it more. Looking back, Mike readies the two-barreled shotgun and shoots at the attack Wendigo sending it flying backward.

I then notice an oil drum next to him. "Mike! The drum!" I pointed. He turns to the drum and knocks it to its side. At the same time, one more Wendigo appears with the previous one, and creepily stalks its way towards us.

Kicking the drum, it rolls, and as soon as it meets the two monsters, Mike shoots it igniting the oil inside and incinerating the two Wendigos. Turning back to the door, I shifted all of my weight onto the door as it slowly opens and creates enough space for us to pass.

"C'mon!" I shouted as I squeezed through the door. Mike soon follows and closes it after him, then locking it. Running around the square opening, we ran up a flight of stairs into the Psychiatric Ward.

After traversing through different rooms, the cries of a Wendigo can be heard. Looking over our shoulders', it inched closer and closer. Turning my head back to see a door, I quickly drew my shotgun and shot at the lock.

Pushing through the door, we immediately closed it behind us. Mike steps away and pushes a locker in front of the door. "Down there!" Mike points to a hole in the ground.

Speedily making our way towards the hole, we did not hesitate to jump in. Making an appearance, Wolfie peers down the hole we jumped through. "Hey, buddy... come on down... it's alright..." Mike babies.

Wolfie decides to back away instead and retreat into the shadows. "Okiedokie bud... catch ya on the flipside, huh?" He says as we watch him disappear. Moving my attention elsewhere, I spotted another flight of stairs.

"Let's get out of here." I tell Mike as I point out the stairs. Nodding, he steps forward and I follow after him. Reaching a set of doors, both Mike and I push ourselves against it, but the doors don't budge.

Suddenly, the sound of body touching the ground echoed through the abandoned room. "Shit!" Mike cussed as we turn to see a Wendigo. It launches itself at us with no hesitation.

With the same amount of attitude, I pumped the shotgun and shoot down the Wendigo. Another one appears to our left as the one I shot down slowly starts to get back up.

"Fuck it...!" I muttered as I pumped the shotgun and shot the cluster of oil drums. As soon as the bullets interacted with the oil, A force pulls me out the door as Mike jumps out in time before the explosion could damage us.

Not able to catch my breath, Mike forces me up onto my feet and pulls me forward as we continued our exit out of the Sanatorium.

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