Chapter 33: Sunsets

Start from the beginning

"And when is that going to be?" Kazuichi mumbled his questions, barely being heard in breathless whispers.

"Don't interrupt me, Kazuichi. I wasn't finished." I snapped, darting my face to his, my teeth tensed together, growling my words to him, spitting as I talked.

"Oh, sorry. You can continue now." He cried sorrowfully, flinching to each of my sudden moves.

"Like I was saying," I stood back up, switching to a cheery, light, cutesy voice, "For now! I'll let you roam around the room! But no outside time for you just yet!" I bargained with the thought inside my mind, coming with the best solution to flow with the current outside situation.

"R-really?!" He gasped, tears and smiles flowing from his face, his chin stained green with soup.

"Yes! Just don't mess up again." I warned, waving a playful finger to him, clicking my tongue afterwards.

"Oh! Finally!" He perked up, trying to toy open the ropes which held him down, abruptly stopping. Staring up to my disappointed face, his going black. "I-I mean! I promise to not mess up again, to not go down to a murderers level!" He begged from his freedom, even if it were still stuck inside this small, empty cottage.

"Now that's what I like to hear." I praised in my vulnerable small tone, coughing into a low, monotone one, "But, Kazuichi, we have to do something about that appearance of yours." I teased, ripping off his usual dark-grey beanie, my hands flowing through his greasy, uncombed hair.

"My look? What about it?" He trembled, wincing as I ripped clumped and tangled strands from his oily scalp.

"Nagito," I released my hand from that grease-pit of a head, calling out for the lucky white-haired boy.

"Yes, Hiyoko?" He answered, standing up immediately from his chair. Ready at my service.

"Grab me the scissors." I ordered, he opened up the nightstand dresser, pulling out a long, silver, sharpened pair of clippers, handing it to me, gripping to its blades.

"Scissors?! Hold on! Wait! What are you doing!?" Kazuichi panicked, kickings his legs onto the mattress, flailing his elbows, working his body against the blankets and pillows, his skin and clothes tugging off the sheets.

"Kazuichi, my poor Kazuichi, we have to show the others you're a changed man, correct?" I tried to soothe the shaken mechanic, Nagito pulled his arms and legs down further. Ceasing his sporadic movements. Creeping closer to him, his eyes twitching.

"I-I guess?" Kazuichi gulped, raising his head up to mine, his body shivering, the silver clippers reflecting a glare into his squinting eyes.

"And so, we have to make you a changed man." I claimed, opening up its handles, gliding the blades to his hair. Snipping of the blades and pink hair follicles flying over the pillow. Kazuichi's terrorized screams and yells bouncing from the walls. He shook his head violently, causing shears to slip, the sharp edge cutting into his eyebrow. Nagito shoving his hand over the shark-toothed boy's mouth, muffling him until he grew silent. Blood slowly flowing down the side of Kazuichi's head, being soaked by his unevenly cut hairs and into the pillow. Making Kazuichi entirely new.

— Gundham POV —

Our feet reaching to the grains of hot sand, listening to the ins and out of the waves washing over each other. Seagulls flying overhead, squawking to others soaring through the bright sunlit blue sky. Walking deeper into the beach, we sat down and made ourselves a spot, the sand and sun warming our bodies, the low winds chilling them down.

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