Family Feud

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It was a sunny day in Konoha. Shinobi leapt from roof to roof, rushing to fulfil some duty or another as civilians and the odd unlucky team of genin bustled below them, working to rebuild the Village after the failed invasion. People were in high spirits despite the destruction. Children were running about without supervision, their parents trusting the shinobi above them to alert them to any danger.

The Village itself was entirely too big to bear such a meager title, its population easily large enough to rival many prominent cities within the Land of Fire. Its outward growth limited by an ancient wall, its buildings extended upward into leaning towers connected by taut wire bridges and strategically placed scaffolding. The walls were painted all manner of obnoxious colors, bright yellows and blues stinging the eyes of unprepared visitors, giant murals taking more space than they ought. Above it all, carved into the face of the mountain which protected the Village's rear, the faces of its leaders watched unseeing, their expressions solemn and unchanging.

Two figures alighted atop one of the taller apartment buildings, its roof, like all the others, flat for expedited shinobi travel. To outside observers, it appeared to be the end of a chase, likely between teacher and student. The child turned to the adult, shoulder length brown hair and long green haori whipping about with the force of the movement. Her face was halfway obscured by a mask not unlike the current Village leader's, leaving only round black eyes to express her displeasure.

"What do you want?" She demanded, her voice confined to the rooftop despite its volume by liberally applied seals cleverly hidden from view. She gestured angrily with one hand, the other missing entirely. It was a tragic injury in one so young, but not wholly unexpected for a shinobi. Many had suffered similar injuries during the invasion, and even more had lost their lives.

The adult who'd followed her crossed his arms over his chest, his own haori a bright, eyecatching red, even in the colorful Village. Red was reserved for emergencies, marking urgent communications and civilian bunkers. His white hair, too, was odd. Falling down his back in a tail which nearly brushed his ankles, its sheer length marked him as incredibly skilled, as even kunoichi rarely wore their hair past their shoulders for fear of an enemy using it against them. His age was another indicator of his strength. Rarely did a shinobi live long enough for lines to mar their face.

The lines on his deepened as he scowled. "Don't give me that, chibi. You know damned well what."

She mimicked his stance, crossing her arms despite her missing limb. "Clearly, I don't!"

"I designed the seals in T&I myself, chibi! I know exactly the level of skill needed to trigger the reaction they had yesterday, and you're the only person in the village besides me who would even know where to begin!"

"That you know of," she returned, shaking her head. "Just because I'm the only one who thought to approach you about it—."

"Don't try to foist this off onto someone else, brat!" He pointed one large finger at her, anger reddening his face. "You spent the lockdown in a room with Kumo's jinchuriki and the minute it was lifted he started pushing his brother to make reparations to the Hyuuga Clan."

"And?" She turned away from him, her one hand twisting dismissively. "That's your evidence? For all you know he was always gonna do that!"

"Don't lie to me!"

The girl turned back to the man, her eyes wide and almost afraid. He, too, seemed surprised by his outburst, though he hid it well. He took a deep breath, putting on a show of calming himself.

"Listen to me, chibi. Your grandmother was from Kiri, and it stands to reason that both you and your mother were born there, as well. You've managed to situate yourself as the heir to one of Konoha's founding clans, have befriended not one, but two jinchuriki—one of which attacked the Village—and have been confirmed as having the ear of a third. Your sensei is the Jounin Commander, and your relationship with the Last Uchiha is almost too close for comfort. Can you at least say you understand why all of that would be cause for concern?"

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