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Momiji looked up at her summoner, the preteen girl tearing up tufts of grass in an anxious tell she would need to grow out of. Hanako was a strange child, but the same could be said of any shinobi child. Momiji had always appreciated the girl's serious nature and level head, especially when compared to other children her age. Still, she and the rest of the pack—even those under Kakashi—had noticed how forlorn she was. At first, they chalked it up to lingering grief for her mother, but as the years passed, it became clear that she was simply melancholy by nature. Perhaps that was why she received such a damning name? Had her chakra always borne such weight?

Still, such a name was...

"Momiji," Hanako said without looking at the dog. "I don't know if you heard about this, but I apparently have a Sharingan."

Ah. Yes, she'd heard.

"Apologies, Princess," she said with honest remorse. "Boss specifically asked us not to tell you."

Her summoner sighed. "That idiot. I don't know why anyone ever puts him in charge of anything."

Momiji chose not to comment.

"That's not the point," Hanako's tone was serious, but her chakra was agitated, revealing an inner struggle Momiji was not privy to. She turned her fathomless black eyes on the dog, expression more intense than she'd ever seen it. "Momiji, who are you loyal to; me, or my father?"

What kind of question was that? Certainly, Momiji owed a degree of loyalty to Kakashi as the head of the Hatake clan, but her summoner was her number one priority.

Hanako's eyes expressed a sad smile when she said so.

"I'm about to ask something totally unfair from you," she said quietly. "I can only hope you won't hate me for it."

"I could never hate you, Princess."

The human scoffed. "That remains to be seen." Her doubt was insulting, but she continued before Momiji could protest. "I'm going to try and use my Sharingan to cast a genjutsu on you. I've been studying them, so I hope I'll get this right. If I do, can I ask you to keep whatever you see a secret? At least until I say otherwise?"

This was serious. Hanako's chakra was still agitated, radiating nervous energy even as her dark eyes beseeched Momiji for her cooperation. Whatever the child wanted to show her, she clearly considered it very important.

"Alright," Momiji said with confidence. "I will keep your secrets, Princess."

The tension didn't leave Hanako's narrow shoulders, instead seeming to mount as she took in a deep, steadying breath. Momiji's hackles rose as the girl began channeling her chakra. There was no guarantee she'd even be able to activate the Sharingan at will, given that she'd only activated it the one time under extreme emotional stress.

Momiji's doubts were laid to rest when the black began to bleed out of her summoner's irises, leeching into the pupils and leaving a familiar pale blue in their wake. A single tomoe rotated sluggishly as her gaze focused.

"Woah," her voice was breathless, almost like she'd run a few laps with Guy. "That's...weird."

Momiji waited patiently as the girl adjusted to the changes in her vision, her own nerves mounting in response to Hanako's own anxious chakra.

"Ok. Are you ready?"

No, but nothing would come of saying so.

Falling into a genjutsu when you know it's going to happen was a little strange. Momiji prepared herself for emotional manipulations and physical movements outside her control—typical genjutsu stuff.

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