The Invasion

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Hanako sank into her seat in the participants' box. Kabuto leaned up against a wall, arms crossed over his chest with a vapid smile on his face. He was up against Shino, like Kankuro would have been had things gone according to canon. She wanted to speak with him, to try her hand at the heralded 'Talk no Jutsu', but the opportunity had yet to present itself. If she couldn't get to him, then that was that. She knew enough of his story to counter it, but she would rather not have to. Kabuto, like so many other canon antagonists, was a victim of tragedy and questionable mental health. If she remembered correctly, it was his fragile sense of identity which served as the root of his madness. If she could fix that...

A thought for another day.

Her match was against Kumo's Omoi, about whom she knew very little beyond his loyalty to Killer Bee. Not that she needed to know anything. They were slotted to fight last, and Sasuke should get back from his father-son bonding trip with Kakashi before they actually had to fight. If not, then...

Well, she'd cross that bridge when she got to it. Gaara was radiating aggression where he sat on the other side of the box, his sister eyeing him nervously. Mah, that boy.

She'd go over to him, but Shino was sitting next to her and she didn't want to offend the quiet boy by leaving him behind. Instead, she reached out with her chakra, just barely skimming the tumultuous edge of Gaara's.

Just to let him know she was there.

Shino looked down at her, face expressionless but speaking volumes.

"I'll explain later." Where he won't hear me talking about him.

Her friend nodded. "I have not seen you in some time. Are you well?"

Hanako sighed. She knew she didn't look her best, and Shino was hardly the first person to ask after her health. Her face was paler than usual and the delicate skin around her eyes was noticeably red. The stress of the Exams coupled with her plans for the invasion were starting to take a physical toll. Hopefully, once everything was resolved, she could take a moment to rest.

"I'm alright, Aburame-kun," she said softly. "Just nervous."

He cocked his head. "Why? Have you not been training?"

She had, but not for the fight against Omoi. Her eyes stung from all the practice she and Momiji had put into her dojutsu. Although, she did have one trick up her sleeve that she'd been saving. She wasn't quite sure she wanted to use it yet, though.

She smiled. "Don't worry, Aburame-kun. I'm as ready as I can be."

On her other side, Shikamaru sighed. "You're overthinking it, Hana. Just relax until it's your turn. This whole thing is so troublesome."

His words, though said under his breath, were clearly heard by the others in the box. Temari bristled at his blatant disregard for the Exams.

"Is that an attitude to be taking when your friend is down there getting beat into the ground?"

True, it didn't look good for Naruto, but Hanako had faith.

"Naruto will win," she said firmly. Everyone turned disbelieving eyes on her.

"Oh? Is this another obvious fight?" Temari asked with a smirk. "Do tell."

Ah, well, she kind of had to, now, huh? She cleared her throat. "Mah, well, Neji-san's confidence will be his undoing."

Shikamaru nodded in consideration. "Yeah, I can see it."

"Do you care to elaborate?"

It was the first time Omoi had addressed her, and a part of her knew he was probably using this as an opportunity to better understand his opponent, but she had no plans of fighting him, anyway, so whatever.

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