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We heard all the boys from Slytherin howl and break into laughter


He slammed his hand down, everyone went silent. Soon class ended and I gathered my books when draco passed by and bumped into me on purpose dropping all my books

D: sorry disgrace.

I didn't feel like fighting right now

Y: classic malfoy.

I bent down and saw Cedric helping me get my books

Cedric: you alright.?

He smiled at me

Y: yea thank you

He grabbed my hand helping me up

Cedric: what's your problem

He shoved draco

D: why are you touching me

Cedric: why you disrespecting y/n.

D: because she's a disgrace to Slyther-

He punched him


I covered my mouth and pulled him off
D: my father will hear about this

He touched his lip, and angrily walked out.

I hugged Cedric and told him he didn't need to do that for me

Cedric: ima do anything to protect you.

He walked me to my room and I left to Hermiones dorm

H: hey y/n
Y: hey mione

I sighed

H: boy trouble.?

She questioned

Y: no. I'm just tired

I lied down. Honestly it was not trouble not that I like Cedric but draco is driving me mad. One day I love how he looks the next I wanna slap the blonde hair off of him.

H: don't worry, sleep it off I'll tell miss McGonagall you will skip lunch.

Y: thank you mione.

She hugged me and went off to dinner , time went by and soon her and ginnie were back. I got up did some work and then we went to sleep well at least they did I was restless

I need to go on a walk I thought... I threw on some shorts and a shirt along with my Slytherin night robe.

𝕒 𝕤𝕝𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 ||| DRACO MALFOYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant