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After getting to the platform with Harry and the weasleys we got on the hogwarts express and after a few hours we arrived. we put on our robes and got off.

I wore a skirt that was not to my thigh but above my knee, my white button up and my Slytherin  robe,

H: Y/N!!
H: how are you
Y: I'm good learned any new potions
H: yes, so many but I'll tell you them later

She ran to me giving me a hug.

Ron: where's my hug.??
H: Ron

They both hugged, he kissed her forehead.

Ha: wow I'm not even wearing my invisibility cloak.
H: Harry

They hugged

Ron: so how did you guys spend your summer.?

Y and Ha: it was horrible. They went to bora bora and didn't even take us.

H: better then mine. I was stuck at my grandmothers helping her. All summer.

Ron: we went to Egypt.

We all glared at him
Ron: sorry.

We began to walk.

H: anyways we should get going. me and y/n should go to get our dorm key and settle in. So should you.

She grabbed me and pulled me down the hall.
Y: bye.
H and Ron: bye

Me and Hermione got settled in she went to her dorm she shared with Ginny and I went to mine and went to the dinner room on our way there we saw Oliver wood.

O: hey y/n- wait up

He ran behind me trying to catch up
O: hey y/n. Good to see you Hermione.

He smiled
Y: hi Oliver
O: how are you?
Y: good. You still play quidditch?
O: it's in my veins
H: I'll see you at the table y/n , bye Oliver

We walked together 
Y: how are things between you and that one girl.
O: oh we stopped talking... she said she's not into boys who play quidditch.
Y: I'm so sorry Oliver

I gave him a hug
O: it's alright

We soon arrived to our table and split up he sat with his friends and I sat with mine

Ha: so you and Oliver.?

He questioned me teasingly

Y: be quite
Ron: isn't he like 18

He said shoving a chicken piece in his mouth

Y: yea i think so. But he's like a sibling to me and Harry knows that
G: but then again age is just a number

She laughed as I hugged her in excitement

The twins: and us
Y: my favorite twins

They sat down and we continued to eat.

When I heard it. That voice, ever so smooth yet rough.

D: well well well, if it isn't the Weasleys, pottah, the mud-blood and the disgrace to Slytherin.

H: Malfoy.

Y: i can see Goyle and Crabbe still haven't noticed a fake friend when they see one.

Go: wha-

D: oh don't be doofs and listen to this disgrace. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

Y: shut up Malfoy. Because unlike you.

H: we actually got into hogwarts without bribing any of the teachers

D: don't ever speak about me like that.

He took out his wand and pointed it at me.

O: don't talk about her that way.

D: what are you going to do hit me with your quidditch broom.

His henchmen began to "ouh"


Ron: HERMIONE NO. he's not worth i-

McGonagall: mr. Malfoy please return to your assigned seat.

He smirked at me. Ugh. I hate it here

D: see you around disgrace.

I scoffed

Y: you wish.

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