I tell Nate as much.

Unfortunately, I had to take the bags to my room and the rest to Jaden's room. I had to place the bags in a reasonable corner because Jaden's room was clean and even his bed was arranged. Maybe I should take a page from his book and lay my bed every morning before leaving my room.

The closer I got to the sitting room, I could hear laughter and talking. I raised my brow at the three of them. When I got close to Nate, he held his hand out towards me and guided me onto his lap, his hand going around my waist.

"Fuck! I knew they were going to be adorable." Arlen said. He turned towards his husband. "Didn't I tell you they were going to be adorable."

"Baby, the word you used that night was fucking adorable." Key said, chuckling at his husband.

Oh my god! I was so tempted to throw a pillow at the two of them. Why were they like this today of all days?

Nate stayed with us till three, after which he had to go and pick up his sister from work. Her car was still in the shop. I walked Nate down the stairs and out to his car. He held onto my hands and I stared up at him. He hasn't even gone yet and I already missed him. We had spent a lot of time cuddling up stairs and watching episodes of New Girl.

"Call me when you get to her office, okay?" I asked and Nate promised.

Before leaving, he pulled me in by my hands and kissed me. I clutched onto his shirt as I moved my lips against his, kissing back with as much passion. We pulled apart when the need for air became much but I didn't step back, I didn't want him to leave yet.

"I've got to go now, angel." Nate said, making no move to ever let go of me.

I couldn't ask him to stay. His sister was waiting for him. We could meet later, for lunch, breakfast, dinner, even brunch. I pushed onto my toes and pressed a kiss to Nate's cheek before taking some steps backwards.

I stayed until Nate got into his car and drove away, until I could no longer see his car. I walked back up the stairs, hands in my pocket. Key and Arlen had moved to the ground, they took one look at me and pulled me into their cuddle.

We stayed that way for so long that we were able to finish the first season of New Girl. And that's how Jaden found us when he returned from school.

"Hey, hey cuddle bunnies."

We all turned to wave and say hi to him. He excused himself, took a quick shower and showed up in one of the shirts Arlen had picked out and black sweatpants. He joins our cuddle on the ground, leaning against Arlen, his leg on mine.

"How was school, buddy?" I asked him.

"Good. Exams are gonna start soon." Jaden said. Arlen, Key and I groaned. We hated high school so much when we were younger. It just sucked.

"I know you'll pass and graduate." I said, smiling softly. I knew he would. Jaden had to be the smartest kid ever even though he kept denying it.

"Whatever uni you pick, we'll support you." Arlen said.

Jaden pulled out of the cuddle and stared at all of us. His face was bare of expression but I knew he had something to say. Or maybe something to ask.

"Why?" he asked a beat later.

"Why what?" Key asked.

"Why do you all care so much? About my school? Clothes? My future?" Jaden asked. "Am I not a burden to you? Because to be completely honest with you guys, I feel like I am. You already spend so much on me and Cil, you risked your life to save me from abusive parent, brought me into your home and sometimes you even call me brother." Jaden said.

"Jaden, you're my friend. You've been my friend since we started talking on the bus months ago. I care about my friends, to me my friends are my family. You have been through enough shit in life and all I want to make sure you enjoy the following years, stress free and giving you options. You've been hurt before and you didn't deserve that. You're a kid, you should enjoy life as a kid, not grow up too fast. So yeah, I'm going to take care of you and give you all that and you know it isn't a struggle for me, I make a lot of money. There will be no debts for you, no worries, nothing. I just want you to live and have fun." I said, reaching out for his hand. "You're like the brother I never had. You deserve the best."

Jaden was crying now, his lips pressed together, lashes wet and hair falling onto his face.

"Jaden, my husband and I love you. You have been through a lot and just like Cil said, you deserve the world. You deserve happiness. We've seen you, we know who you, you are friends with Cil and you also take care of him too. We love you so so much, never doubt that and we'll be the family you're supposed to have. The warm one, the family that will always be there for yo-" Arlen said.

"The family that would take care of you. Make sure you have everything you;ll ever need or want. The family that loves you." Key added, finishing Arlen's statement.

Jaden let out a loud sob and I pulled him in, Key and Arlen closing in for a hug.

I love all of them so much ❤️

What do you think?

Tbh there are only two chapters left but I wanna know what you wanna see😭

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