"That sounds good." Maggie paused, glancing up at Natasha with a nervousness that was overpowering any other emotion she was trying to convey. "I don't want to see James."

"You're not worried about seeing Loki or Rumlow? They'll be in there too right?"

She shrugged. "I don't want to see them either, but I know it's going to be hard to focus on anything, expect for James when I'm in there." She took a breath, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger. "I'm worried I'll cry and I'm not supposed to cry."

Natasha reached over, grabbing her hand. "If you feel like you're going to cry, just think of me. Imagine me punching James in the nuts." She joked, wiggling her brows.

A laugh slipped out of Maggie's pout, momentarily feeling better. "Okay, sounds like a plan."

The silence filled the room once more. Natasha lounged back in her seat, playing on her phone, swiping through social media and responding to a few emails about wedding plans.

The whole time Maggie, stared at the clock. An entire hour passed and her eyes barely wavered from the minute hand. Glaring at it as it danced its way around the circle of time.

She chewed her lip, tapping her foot. Chest tight with anticipation. Waiting for the dreaded call for her to join the courtroom.

Just as the minute hand made its way back around, the wooden door slowly swung open.

"Miss Everlee?" A lady called through the doorway, making Maggie's stomach sink. "It's time."

She gulped, standing from her seat. Peeking over at her shoulder to Natasha, she gave her a comforting smile and a thumbs up. "You got this, Mags. I'll see you in there."

Both sets of heels clicked down the tiled hallway as they made their way to the courtroom door. The lady pushed it open to a room filled with people, but it was dead silent. Every last piece of furniture was a richly stained walnut. From the paneled walls, to the benches. Clean cut lanterns loomed above, brightly lighting the room.

Maggie's eyes scanned over the group of people crowded into the spectator seats at the back of the room spotting Steve wearing a warm grin. Moving over to the jury box, everyone stared right back at her, judging her character already.

Both Loki and Rumlow were seated at the plaintiff's table, donning orange jumpsuits and handcuffs. Both of them giving her the most dangerous death stares they could muster.

Despite every set of eyes landing on her, one set hit her like a semi truck driving full speed. The ice blue eyes locked on her petite size. Unwavering. Framed by a couple stray strands of long, dark hair. The ones she knew so so well.

James watched her, stone cold expression locked in place as she was seated at the witness stand.

Maggie chewed her lip as she looked back over to him for a moment, before trying to rip her eyes away. She couldn't. It was like looking at the sun. It hurt so much, but she couldn't stop.

"Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff." The judge called out, expectantly waiting for Maggie to stand.

She hesitated, slowly catching on that it was in reference to her. She got up from her seat, brushing down her skirt, as the bailiff approached her stand.

He stopped a foot away from her, with an air that was nonchalant, clearly having done this a hundred times before. "Please raise your right hand." She complied. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I do." She mustered out. Projecting her voice as much as she could before sitting back down in her wooden chair. She saw Natasha enter quietly from the back door, scooting through the benches to sit beside Steve.

Possessed - Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now