Part 1

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For a split second, Harry's eyes suddenly connect with the stranger's across the room. Harry freezes in his cafeteria chair, enchanted by the remarkable beauty of the man sitting that feels likes a million miles away. Truth is, the new boy to school is only a few tables away, quietly eating his sandwich perfectly content with himself. He seems confident, even with his petite-like frame. His small hands grip the sandwich, and he bites blissfully. The boy across the room had a part of his appearance that made Harry want to know more. But who even was the new boy, and why did he entice Harry so much? Harry could tell he was not good news. The way he looks with his messy hair, scrunched up shirt, and not to mention black jeans. Something was off with him, but he didn't know what. Not that Harry could say much, with his old baggy sweatshirts and a curly birds nest he called hair. The boy's eyes glanced back up at Harry, and he slightly smirked then turned away.

Harry's eyes continue to dart from place to place in the cafeteria, still trying to sneak simultaneous glances of the mysterious boy. No one besides Harry's best friend Niall knew that Harry has feelings for men, romantic ones. The rest of the world thought he was completely straight. Yes, thought Harry, I do like women, but definitely like men as well. He wasn't gay, but he wasn't straight. Most people would consider him bisexual but the word didn't feel right when sitting on his tongue. He didn't like being classified into a category, he was who he was, and that was that, no further discussion.

"Hey, what's going on man? You seem out of it". Niall abruptly said snapping his fingers in Harry's direction. He had in doing so awakened him from the trance the stranger had put him in.

"Oh nothing just thinking. Um say..., whose the new boy over there? I've never seen him before" He courageously asked. He hated drawing attention to something not everyone cared about, he preferred to just remain in the background.

"Oh him? Harry, wait a second. You don't like him right? He's a senior,....with a girlfriend...okay? You got that?" Niall's words come out quick but still tear at him. He needs to muster up the gumption to speak again. Harry is shy, and always has been. He hates having the spotlight on him, almost as if he felt he doesn't deserve it.

"Well... just... well what's his name?" He finally ends up blurting out. Harry needs to know, because even if he couldn't date him, he could still admire him.

"His name is Louis Tomlinson. He's got kind of a bad rep. Just stay away Harry he's nothing but trouble. He wouldn't be into you for the right reasons. Trust me on that. And he wouldn't go for you, ...not in a bad way... just remember he has a girlfriend. " The last four words continuously break Harry down through every guy he ever has any interest in, so until a guy comes along that doesn't have a girlfriend, he too would date girls. But this Louis character, Harry can't keep his mind off of him. Harry hated that Niall thought Louis would never go for him, but then again who would he wondered. Dorky and quirky, the only ways any of his classmates describe him.

"How old is he anyways? There's no way he's a sophmore with us" Harry says. No matter how hard Harry tries he can't seem to get the boy to stay out of his head.

"He, like I already said, were you even paying attention Harry?", Niall waves his hand in front of Harry's eyes, diverting his attention back to him, "...Anyways he is a senior. He just transferred here after his mom booked a new job somewhere downtown. In case you're curious, I figured this all out from Zayn. I was pretty curious about the lad myself. There's something about him that makes me skeptical, I don't trust him. I advice you not to either" Niall lets out. His answer only makes Harry have more questions, but thank goodness that Niall's friend Zayn was a junior and could perhaps answer some of his burning questions. It doesn't matter that Zayn's older, he still wants to be friends with Harry, the dork. Zayn and Harry were friends too, but only because of Niall. Harry knew if he kept pestering Niall about the peculiar but handsome boy he'd become angry. So Harry lets it be, but can't seem to shake the feeling of him and the boy meeting eyes from across the room.

Harry dumps his lunch tray and exits the cafeteria, his mind still racing and asking himself many questions about the new student.

Harry isn't good at making friends. That much had always been clear. He's been difficult and different his whole life, every person he came across reminded him of that. Nothing would set him more apart then trying to befriend a senior. He barely talked to upper classmen. So no matter how much he admired Louis, it was just a school boy crush. Besides, he had just moved here, he could be a complete ass hole. He was a teenager who is completely, utterly, one hundred percent, uknown. Harry knew nothing about him, and had to constantly remind himself not to get so invested so quickly.

He walks through the halls until finding his locker. He fiddles with the lock, struggling to put the correct combination in. He finally opens the small metal door, revealing a messy inside. At the top a mirror hung. It was girly, without a doubt, but with Harry's hair, he always needed needed to check it didn't look like a complete trainwreck.

He sifts through the crumbled papers to gather his books. He almost drops them all when he looks back up to the mirror. Staring into it was non other than Louis. Harry meets his eye in the reflection, and Louis bolts.

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