Demigods React #2

Start from the beginning

Octavian: OMG! Justin Bieber!!! (start squealing like a fangirl)

Thalia: Seriously, Justin Bieber? There are plenty of videos and you give me this?

Silena: Justin is so cute!

Frank: You are a disgrace Bieber! You bring shame to Canada!

Jason: I used to like him when he was like this.

Percy: This is a good cover. But I still prefer JT's.


Jason: Oh woahhhhh

Annabeth: No! Not this. I'm sick of this song!

Charles: The first JB's song I've heard.

Nico: (cover his ears) Yeah. This is great. Thank you for being jerks!

Octavian: (in a terrible voice) You know you love me. I know you can.

Reyna: I hate this video.

Hazel: He can sing and dance. Why does everyone hates him?

Frank: Hazel, the lesser you know, the better.


Jason: This is the time when JB turned into a top 1 criminal.

Percy: If I was your boyfriend I'll never let-

Annabeth: Cut it out. Just cut it out.

Reyna: Swag is the only word that I learnt from this video.

Piper: Is it me or is it really the whale sound on the background?

Hazel: Impressive.

Clarisse: I hate you two to make me watch this.

Leo: If I was your boyfriend.

Question Time
Stolls: Who was that?

Clarisse: Screw you.

Silena: Justin Bieber.

Piper: Justin Bieber.

Nico: Bieber! (vomits)

Octavian: My hero Bieber.

Hazel: Justin Beaver, right?

Stolls: Why does Justin Bieber got a lot of haters?

Annabeth: He crossed the line by throwing eggs to his neighbour or having a wild party.

Leo: He got all the chicks by singing 'Baby'.

Thalia: Jealousy, duh!

Stolls: What do you like to say to Justin Bieber?

Clarisse: **** you! Your songs sucks!

Frank: You brought shame to us Canadians! Do something right, please!

Jason: I miss the old you. Please come back and don't be a douche.

Octavian: I love you. Will you marry me?

Charles: Can you make a song for my girlfriend?

Final video: Magibon

Hazel: What is this?

Leo: Hello Magibon.

Thalia: At least do something, duh!

Piper: This is a viral video?

Percy: I don't feel comfortable at all.

Annabeth: This is the wisest thing you have evet said, Percy.

Clarisse: What is this ***.

Octavian: Okay, pretty girl. Can I have a date with you?


Jason: This is kinda dirty. Only pedos will watch this and having fantasies.

Nico: Her charm doesn't affect me. Haha!

Reyna: Wait, this is it? She just waste her time for doing nothing but nothing.

Question Time
Stolls: Who was that?

Leo: Magibon!

Percy: Maggie Born?

Annabeth: No, Seaweed Brain. M.A.G.I.B.O.N!

Clarisse: I don't care! This lady shoud be eliminated!

Stolls: Her name is Magibon. She's over 18. And she's American.

Nico: So?

Stolls: Who are the main audience of this channel?

Thalia: Some jerks like you.

Silena: Male audiences.

Charles: Perverts.

Frank: Pedopiles. But they are stupid pedos who thought she is underage.

Stolls: Why is this video viral?

Reyna: Probably men enjoy watching girls just staring to the camera.

Octavian: She's beautiful. She's like Venus to me. (sigh narcissisticly)

Jason: Oh, please. Doing nothing can be a viral thing.

Stolls: Finally, can you make an impression of Magibon?

Piper: My dad will kill me if I do this!

Clarisse: I rather die than do this!

Percy and Annabeth: (stares)

Jason and Thalia: (stares)

Charles and Silena: (stares)

Leo: (stares with a peace sign)

Reyna: (stares and waves her hand)

Octavian: (stares and giving his creepy face)

Nico: (stares) Go die, peasants!

Reyna: Thanks for watching me staring. Urgh. I just wasted a few seconds for doing nothing!
Jason: I'm going to watch Camp Half-Blood theme over and over again.
Thalia: Or I'll make a parody.
Silena: Goodbye. (kisses Charles)
Charles: ... Oh, remember to vote and comment! Bye...

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