I followed him into his room and he shut the door behind him.

"So wassup with you? You good?" He asked.

"I'm straight. Why you ask?" I asked taking a step back.

"You been sleeping in later than usual and you barely been around us. You sure you aight?" He asked.

"I'm fine. It's just some days the pain is worse than others." I said.

"Aight. You been taking yo medication for the pain and shit?" He asked.

Before I could speak we heard Luke say "Duke we gotta go."

"I'll be okay. Go ahead." I said.

"Alright. Call me if you need anything ma." He said leaning in to kiss me.

"Will do." I said while blushing.
A few days later

The guys were on the way back from Ryan's fight and I was lowkey excited to see them. I've been depressed sitting at home and sleeping. I heard the door open and automatically knew it was them.

I ran and gave Odell a hug first since he was the first one I seen.

"Oh shit. You missed me huh?" Odell asked.

"Yesss I been so bored. Where Lucas?" I asked.

"He coming girl be patient." He said.

When he said that Ryan, Duke, and Luke came walking in with the rest of their stuff.

"Lucassssss." I said giving him a hug.

"Woah you good shawty?" He asked examining my face.

"You acting extra funny right now." He said.

"Damn I can't miss y'all? I been so lonely." I said.

"Nah nah you can." Odell said.

"So Ryan how was it?" I asked.

He looked at me and then looked away with a sad face.

"Oh no... you lost? Aww I'm sorry." I said hugging him from behind.

"I'm just fucking witchu. You so gullible. I appreciate the hug though." Ryan said.

I pushed him off of me and hit his shoulder.

"I don't miss y'all nomore. I'm going in my room." I said walking away. When I walked in my room Luke walked in behind me.

"Wassup man. You good?" He asked.

"Yeah i'm good. What made you ask?" I asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you was straight and nobody was fuckin witchu." He said.

"That nigga ain't been messing witchu right?" He asked referring to Roman.

"No he hasn't. I haven't even left the house to see anyone." I said.

"Well that shit finna change. We going to the club tonight." He said.

"The club?! I don't know about that. That's a huge step for me Luke." I said.

"I know that's why I came in here to talk to you first and see how you was doing. You look good to me shawty." He said.

I let them have that lil "shawty" nickname because it sounded cute when they said it.

"You can sit next to me and Ryan the whole time and If you still don't feel comfortable we can leave. ASAP." He said.

"Okay..." I said.

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