Chapter 8

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Rosemary's POV

Harry, that one name sent chills down my spine. I haven't been able to get him off my mind since our last encounter. He's just so... mysterious, yet he's an open book. When I feel like I'm learning more about him. He soon leaves me with just more questions I want answers to.

I really should have asked for his number when I saw him at the cafe, but I didn't know if that was being to forward, but then again we did kiss on New Years. Maybe I was just over thinking it. Sending Perry a quick text I asked her for Harry's number. Not a few minutes later I got a text back from her with his number, but then another text came in with it.

*Is someone getting friendly with Mr. Styles ;)*

Rolling my eyes at her text I decided to ignore it and save his number in my phone. I was holding my thumb over the call button when I felt a wave of nervousness rush though me. What was I even going to ask him? Was I going to invite him over to my house or ask him to grab lunch with me?

As I was debating on this a loud thud came from the floor above my apartment causing me to jump clicking call and dropping my phone behind the side table by my bed. In a hurry I was trying to reach it before he answered the call. On the second ring I heard his raspy voice through the phone.

"Hello," I froze in a panic still reaching for the phone. "Damn it!" I cursed feeling my finger tips brush against the phone. "Hello who is this?" I heard from the phone. Right as I grab it I see the screen flash and go black. He had hung up. Letting out a noise of frustration I laid back on my bed throwing my phone down on my bed.

Harry's POV

I was walking into the gym saying hey to my usual "workout" friends. Which were just two blondes I hooked up with after workouts. The shorter blonde Zoie was sending me a flirty smile, but I didn't feel it in me today. Acting like I didn't notice her gestures I headed toward the weight lifting room. Leaving her with a confused look on her face. 

I was just about finished Zoie I saw Rosemary heading in. She had a pair of tight black running pants on with a Nike cut muscle shirt on. I had never seen her here before. I watched as she walked towards the treadmills. I wasn't trying to be creepy, but I couldn't stop watching her. She was so fit and seeing a light coat of sweat on her was defiantly a sight to see. She defiantly turned me on, she was just so beautiful.

I hadn't Zoie she caught me starting from across the room till she was slightly laughing and waved her hand at me. I could feel my cheeks flush I wondered how long she had saw me checking her out for. I look back up to see her walking my way.

"Enjoying the view?" She asks bending down using the water fountain to get a drink.

 I could tell she was doing this on purpose by the way she bent down facing her butt towards me. As she stood back up I could see a drop of water dripping down her lips. 

"Actually I quite do especially in that outfit." I said, as I wiped my thumb across her bottom lip wiping the water drop from it. Holding her gaze for only a few minutes more before she lowered her head. Dropping my hand from her face we both then continued working out.

We worked out together in a comfortable silence for another hour or two before I was done. "All right well I'm done for today are you staying any longer?" Stopping the treadmill she got off. 

"No, I'm worn out probably going to head home also." Grabbing her bag she smiles at me before waving goodbye. She was just about out of the doors before I ran back up to her.

"Hey, well I was wondering if you're not doing anything later we could hang out if you want, maybe?" I rub the back of my neck Rosemary was not an easy girl so I honestly didn't know if she would want to hang out with me or not.

 "Um, I don't know Harry you seem like trouble." She smiles clearly joking.

"I promise no trouble we can just watch a movie at my flat or something."

She looks hesitant before nodding her head. "Okay, so I'll see you in like an hour or so?" 

"Yeah, that's fine can you text me your address?" 

As she put her number in my phone I smiled looking down at it recognizing it. "Wait were you the one who called me earlier today and then didn't talk in the phone?"

Rosemary's POV

After I had got home I got ready and headed to Harry's place. I hadn't realized how nervous I was till I went to knock on his door and saw I was shaking. Taking deep breath I thought to myself,  why should I be nervous it's only Harry? At least thats what I told myself.

 Knocking I waited. Not to much longer he opens the door wearing a pair of gray sweats and a white t-shirt. Even wearing the simplest thing he looks so attractive. After I scanned his appearance I met a pair of bright green eyes.

"Like what you see," he smirks copying the words I said to him earlier today. He was a very smart mouthed one, but that's one of the things I just found cute about him. 

"Not really I've seen better," I responded back impressed with my comeback. His smirk only turned into a full on smile showing off his dimples. "Well, I didn't realize a guest wanting to come into my house would criticize my looks, but that's okay I have the rest of the evening to change your mind. Won't you come in Rosemary?"

He steps to the side allowing me inside. The only thing Im  thinking of is how he didn't even need the whole evening to try and impress me, no. I already found him incredibly attractive, and I was starting to fear what else would come with spending more time with him. With his charm and good looks and cheeky-ness I could tell it wouldn't be long before I would fall for Harry.

Rosemary (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now