Chapter 10

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Kissing, This was something I hadn't felt in a while. I was missing the feeling of Rosemary's lips on mine. I was walking in the park and saw a couple holding hands and laughing together happily. I remember when that was me and Rosemary smiling together without a care in the world.

Taking a deep breath I sat on a bench in the park. It was a cloudy day. You could start to see the beginning of fall taking its tole. The leaves were starting to turn and fall off the trees. Along with the cool breeze blowing my curls all over the place. I pulled my beanie down more and pulled out my journal. As I was about to open it something off to the side caught my eye.

I look over at the tree seeing a familiar carving I smile to myself. Quickly, I open my journal and begin writing the memories that start flooding my head.

2 years ago

Rosemary's POV

A kiss is the touch or pressing of one's lips against another person or an object.

This was something I was getting used to over the past couple of days. I haven't shared this sort of affection with someone in a while and it felt nice.

Ever since I had spent the day at Harry's house and he asked to kiss me it's been the one thing I can't get enough of. Now, maybe it isn't very lady like of me to be kissing someone so much without having some sort of idea on where it's going. If we're a thing or not I have no idea, but in all honesty all questions I have disappear when I see that cocky smile on his face.

Which leads me to where I am now. Making out on his bed. Now, this trip to his house was supposed to be more innocent. I was only coming to bring him a cup of coffee, but when he opened the door in only a pair of tight black skinny jeans and that damn smirk on his face that he seems to always have on. Well, I couldn't resist. Which leads to our lips which are red and swollen and 2 cups of coffee are on his kitchen counter now cold.

"Let's do something today," I say in between kisses. 

"We are doing something," and I could feel that damn smirk reappearing. Pulling back, because talking to him while kissing really wasn't a smart idea.

"No, like lets go out and do something."

"Like what?" 

I tap my chin thinking looking outside his flat window. I got an idea. "Let's go to the park and walk around!" I loved the fall weather and enjoyed walking around in it.

"Ah, but its cold outside," Harry whines. 

"Then put a jacket on and let's go." Wrapping a scarf around my neck I noticed a bruise starting to form meeting eyes with Harry through the mirror he gives me an innocent smile and shrugs his shoulders. Rolling my eyes I continue wrapping the scar around my neck. Hand in hand we walk out the door to the park.

Arriving there I admire the view of the park. We were currently walking around the track of the park which goes around a fairly large pond. 

"It's so pretty out here," Harry musses looking around. 

"I know, this is why autumn is my favorite season. When I was little my dad used to take me to the park and we would walk around. He would always get me a hot chocolate on the cold days and we would talk for hours. We did this till I left for college. I smile back at the memory.

"Do you still talk to your parents often?" Harry questions. "No, before I left home my parents and I got in a huge fight, and I haven't talked to them since my dad yelled some stuff at me that I haven't been able to forgive him for."

Harry sends me an apologetic smile pulling me to sit with him on one of the benches by the track. "I think you should still talk to them they won't be here forever you know?" I understand what Harry was telling me, but there was still so much he doesn't know on why my parents and I weren't talking and I don't think I was ready to open up about it yet.

"You know what we should do?" Harry asks.


"We should carve something into one of the trees." As he says that he walks over to a tree and pulls out a pocket knife. 

"Why do you have that in your pocket?"

"I dunno you never know when it can come in handy" and with that he continues carving on the tree.

"Don't be cliché and carve H+R."

"Rosemary don't flatter yourself." Harry jokes, "And when have you ever known me to be cliché." I laugh trying to see what he was carving but he covers it from me.

"Harry," I whine "Let me see."

"Just a sec," he says finishing off the carving. Moving away I smile brightly at what he had carved kissing him on the lips as a thank you. "Rosemary your lips are turning blue I think its time to go." Harry smiles. Turning around a run my finger over the carving one last time before we start walking back to the car. T


Harry's POV

Closing my journal I look over at the carving rubbing my figure over the carving of a hot chocolate mug. Smiling to my self I pull out a small pocket knife carving something under it.

"H+R," I say finishing it. Thinking back on Rosemary's words maybe it's okay to be a little cliché sometimes. I then get up and leave the park looking next to me I could picture the moment when we left the park together. The way she clung to me smiling up at me.
Please leave me your comments and feedback so I know what to fix or what y'all like. Or any questions you have about the book either message me them or comment. :)

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