Chapter 16

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Harry's POV


I wake up to the sound of a light knock on the door. Opening my eyes I look towards the door opening seeing Juliet slowly make her way in the room.

"Hey," she says sending me a small shy smile.

"Hi," I don't really know what to talk to her about. I know she feels terrible about the accident, but I don't know how I feel about the whole thing with her wanting to look after me till I feel better. I don't talk to much people anymore. Besides Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn, but I don't even talk to them a whole bunch anymore.

"The doctor said your free to go home today. I could drive you home if you want." My face pales a little at her offer.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry you probably wouldn't want me to drive you anywhere. That was a dumb idea, I just- just ramble sometimes when I'm nervous. I just say what comes to my head and- I'm doing it right now aren't I?

I can't help but compare her to Rosemary. They are so different. Rosemary may have been a little shy sometimes although that was only when you first stared to talk to her. She had a fire also that made her tough once you got to know her you saw that about her. She was a strong girl and I loved that about her.

"I understand if you don't want my help. I should probably just go." 

Juliet says breaking me from my thoughts. Just as she was about to leave I couldn't help, but look at the frown on her face. She held a look of disappointment. For some reason I found my self feeling bad for her the way her big doe like eyes had held hope with her offer. That she now feels awkward about due to my silence.

"Juliet," I say calling her name. She turns around to look at me and just like that her eyes held the same look of hopefulness like it had before.

"Um, I actually could use your help for a little bit till I fully recover. If you still want to." 

My question sounded more like I was asking myself then her. I don't think she really noticed though because her face soon light up holding a big smile. I didn't really want her help, but I didn't want her leave with that frown on her face either for some reason.

"Yes, I would love to! Let me just go talk to the doctor about what all care you will need if I'm going to look after you until you heal and then I'll be right back."

Laying my head back down on my pillow I couldn't help the slight smile that was now on my face. I found it amusing how easy it was to make her happy. With that last thought I found my self drifting to sleep again.

"Harry, Harry wake up." Waking up I see Juliet looking down at me.

"The doctor said you can leave now come on I can help you up."

Waking out of the hospital I ended up needing crutches for my foot that was swollen and had a slight fracture. Everything else was mainly just bruised and sore.

"Alright, if you can just put your address in my phone we will be on our way." Handing me her phone I type my address in. We mainly sit in the car in silent except for when Juliet would ask a couple casual questions.

Pulling up to my flat I actually felt happy to be home. I didn't like all the attention that came with being in the hospital. Rather it was the nurses always asking if I need something or the doctors coming in to check on me. Don't get me wrong I appreciated the help. I just don't like the attention that comes with it.

"Alright, wait there and I'll help you out." Juliet says rushing over to the trunk of her car to get my crutches. Before she got over there I was already out of the car walking to the door of my flat.

"Harry your supposed to be using these." She scolded me gesturing to my crutches that were in her hands.

"Its fine I don't need them to walk from the car to the flat door. I few steps isn't going to kill me." I try to joke.

"Yeah, but getting hit by a car almost did."

"And who's fault is that?" Looking at the expression on her face I could tell she didn't take that they way I hoped she would have.

"I'm sorry Juliet I wasn't meaning to make that sound rude I was just joking with you."

"No, its fine Harry you shouldn't have to apologize." She tried to cover her hurt with a smile, though I can see straight through it, but decide to just let the topic drop.

Walking in I look around my flat. Everything is just how I left it. Although I don't know why I expected it to not be its not like anyone else would have been in here. I guess a small foolish part of me hoped I would walk in to see Rosemary sitting on the bed listing to music as she sang along to it.

"I like your apartment it's nice."

"Thanks," I can tell she's just being nice since my flat isn't exactly the neatest. There are clothes slightly scattered around the room along with the occasional dish or beer can scattered through the living room.

"How about you sit and I can make you something to eat?"

"You don't have to I can make it myself," I say.

"Honestly its fine I got you with my car the least I can do is making you dinner."

"Yeah, just I haven't really had anyone do that for me in a while."

"If this makes you feel any better think of it this way I'm trying to do something for you so my guilt of hitting you with my car will go away. Now let me make you something to eat." She say shooing me to go sit on the couch."

I find myself actually smiling to her orders. I turn around and head to the couch before she can see that though. I find it crazy she made me actually smile though. I can't remember that last time I smiled a full on smile.

"Alright, but I don't you can find much in the kitchen I haven't been shopping in a while."

"Don't worry I got Louis to pick up some stuff for you while you were in the hospital. It's all taken care of now go sit down."

Laying on the couch I turn the TV on trying to find something to watch. I finally just settle on some random channel and soon I can feel my eyes slowly wanting to shut to the light sound of the TV playing and the small humming coming from Juliet in the kitchen.

Hey guys, sorry if I've been updating slow lately I have lots of plans for the book if you guys just stick with me. Please like and comment tell your friends about this book if you like it. I'm almost at 1K reads!! So thanks to everyone who is reading this it means so much to me and yalls input is too. I would love to know what everyone likes or dislikes about it this book. Also if people want to start making banners and stuff I would love that too!

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