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It had been a while since Sasha and Mikasa had left, and you where starting to get hungy. I hope they get back soon.
You were contemplating getting up and going to the mess hall anyway but you didnt want to. Thats when you heard foot steps coming from down the hall.
"Took you long enough Sasha, Im starving!" you said before you could see who it was, which was a mistake. Because. Thats when Levi appeared in the door way, holding food, presumably for you. Why is he always around! A girl could use some time to get away from the source of her wet dreams at night!
" Tch. "
"Oh crap. Not the person I thought it would be.. Sorry Levi."
He then started walking towards you and sat on the empty bunk beside yours, and handed you a slice of bread and a apple.
"Take it. You said you where hungry." you hesitantly took it from him and just held it, not wanting to eat in front of him.
"Well, are you going to eat or not brat."
"Uh.. Y-yeah I just-"
"For fuck sake spit it out."
"I- have anxiety- when it comes to eating in front of people sometimes."
"You eat in the mess hall with the others all the time. Whats so bad about eating now." fucking hell how am I supposed to tell him I dont wanna eat cause he is sitting directly in front of me and I have a weaping crush on the man.
"Nothing never mind." you said taking a bite of the bread. Please dont try to talk to me please dont please dont.
"As long as your eating thats all I care about." you froze up for a seconded and then relaxed again trying to not make your shock at what he had just said to noticable.
"Y-yeah ."
"You need to stay healthy being a scout. "
"Mhm." thats all you could get out cause you mouth was full of food.
"I leave you be then." he spoke in his stern raspy voice as he stood up to leave, although you enjoyed his company you knew you could use some more alone time. When he reached the door you noticed he stoped and paused for a second, as if he was waiting for you to call out his name and tell him to stay.
"Levi.." you whispered. But he didnt hear you and left, which made your heart sink a little.

After eating you laid back down and continued to read your book, a simple romance novle.

Levis pov

Damnit.. I was hoping she would ask me to stay, Part of me didnt want to leave but I knew she was uncomfortable. I just wanted to hug her, embrace her in my arms and hold her aginst my chest never having to let go. But I have to keep things professional, Im captain Levi, humanity's strongest.
He made his way back to his office and sat at his desk, leaning back into his chair letting his head fall back hitting the chair back, then closed his eyes for a moment before sitting up and signing the remaining papers that had been neatly stacked up in a pile on the corner of his desk.
Tch. Nice work Y/N.
Finishing up, he stood and walked to the door the opend into his bedroom, and began undressing. Then made his way over to his privet bathroom to take a shower.
After showering he grabbed a towl wraping it around his wait, using another to dry his hair. Taking a few steps over to the sink he grabbed his tooth brush out of a simple wooden cup and proceeded to brush his teeth.
Going back into his room, he went to his dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers, put them on and climbed into bed.
Tossing and turning for about an hour or two.

Tch, goddamnit ackerman get your shit together. Stop thinking about Y/N.

YN pov

It was about 10 at night and all the other girls had returned to the dorm and passed out. You where the only one awake, as yoy mind was running rampid and you couldnt get to sleep.
So you decided to get up and roam the halls for a bit, curfue wasnt for another 30 minutes so you had time.
Getting out of bed, wearing your tanktop and short you where freezing, so you grabbed your cloak, then headed out the door and started making your way around the silent yet peaceful halls of the scouts castle. You could hear the quiet crickets making there chirps from outside, but it was a nice sound to hear. It used to annoy you before you joined the military 5 years ago and where living in your old village. But you hadnt really heard much of them since, so it brought a sence of calm over you. Continuing you walk you had passed levis office door, still no idea where you where going. Until you reached the set of double wooden doors that lead outside of the castle and to the horses stalls. You opend the doors and let the night take its hold of you, a breeze of chilly wind hitting your skin, but it felt nice. You steped out into the soft grass, no shoes on, and laid down on your back, watching the clouds move over the night sky and every so often revealing the twinkle of the stars.
Who knew a world so crule could hold such beauty.
You thiught ti your self as you streached your arm up towards the sky reaching for the stars, then let it fall back down to the ground by your side, taking in a deep breath of the cold night air.

I better head back. Its been a while, probably past curfue..
Even though you didnt want to you stood and took one last look up at the sky before going back in, and back to the dormitory. This time levi wasnt up and looking for people out past curfue, it was Hanges turn, so you where in the clear, as she didnt really care if someone was out past 1030.

You had made it back to the dorm and just as you laid in bed you crashed. You mind had finally shut off allowing you to sleep peacfully.

Hey guys, so from here on out I wont be making a single day in the story streach over 2 chapters. So from here on out a single day will be in at least one chapter at most two. Thank you for reading!

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