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       It had been about 6 months since you first joined the scouts coming from the 104th Cadet Corps, and the recent discovery of Erens titan abilities had changed the fate of humanity. But he stilled annoyed you with his constant attempts to flirt with you.
"Hey Y/N!! Whats up cutie?"
"Ugh, piss off Eren. Im not interested." you said turning your back to him and swiftly walking away.
"Where ya going?" He said following you closly
"Somewhere you arent!" you snapped back as you turned the corner towards the mess hall, stepping on something and buming into the something , or someone. You looked up with fear in your eyes as you realized who it was.

"Oh No! Captin Levi sir Im so sorry Eren was distr-" you where cut off.
"Tch, its fine Cade L/N. Just dont let it happen again. Or you wil be getting exra chores for the next month." you stood there nervously looking at the ground.
"Yes Sir."
"Look at me when your talking to me L/N." you looked up and into his stormy grey eyes, a shiver went down your spine as your E/C orbs met his. You couldnt help but blush.
"S-Sorry Sir."
"Tch." He then walked around you and continued down the hall towards Hanges lab.
Hm.. I woner why he would be going to hanges lab? Is she working on something??

Mikasa then walked past you and stopped just ahead.
"Come on Y/N, stop just standing there and lets go get food from the mess hall before sasha eats it all." she spoke grabbing you by the arm and basicly dragging you the whole way there.
Holy fuck she has one hell of a grip!!
"Mikasa let go!! I can walk on my own ya know!"
She then let go of your arm and let you walk the rest of the way there.
"So, what was that thing with levi back there huh?? You where blushing."
"What!!! No I wasnt!!!" You lied.
" Yes, yes you where Y/N." you knew Mikasa held a giant grudge against levi for beating the shit out of Eren, so you never told her about your little crush on him, well, it wasnt really little.
"Its nothing Mikasa. I swear!"
"Just be honest Y/N. You, have a crush on the captain."
You froze and felt a flush of red in your face, there was no denying it.
"Okay fine, maybe I do but it doesnt matter okay. He is way out of my League by a long shot."
She ignored your comment as you walking into the mess hall and the scent of food washed over you.

You walked over and sat with crista, Yimr, Armin and Conny, soon after sasha joined and handed you a water bottle , a piece of bread with jelly, and a half eaten steamed patato. You and sasha had become best friends as you both shared a love for food, but your appetite wasnt as big as hers.
"Thanks sasha." you said as she sat down beside you.
"No problem Y/N, sorry half is missing, I got hungry on the way over here."
"Sasha its like 25 seconds from here to there...?? Ya know what, never mind ." you just lauged it off and started eating.
Dinner went on per usual, with Eren goin on about how he would kill every last titan, Jean making his stupid jokes, and Reiner and Bertholdt bitching about who go the most titan kills on the last expedition.
It was around 6:50 pm when you and Sasha left the mess hall and headed back to the girls dormitory to meet up with Mikasa, Crista, and Yimr for a girls night. Which is someing you had really been looking forward to all week.
When you made it to the girls dormitory Mikasa was sleeping and Crista and Yimr where making out on Yimrs bunk.
"Ehem.."  You didnt want to make things even more awkward, but you kinda did anyway by letting them know you where there.
"Oh! Sorry girls, Yimr just got a little carried away with things!" Crista spoke up blushing bright red and Ymir just lauged it off.
After a while Mikasa woke up and the five of you just talked about drama, played truth or dare, which ended up with Mikasa stripping down to her under garments, you all laughed and joked about different things, like Jeans horse face, and after awhile you all crashed out at about 10.

You woke up from your peaceful sleep and climed out of bed, noting that the sky was still dark and all the girls where now in their beds sleeping.
Why is it when ever Im having the best, most sexiest dream of levi that I wake up needing to pee.
You walked out of the girls dormitory and rowards the girls bathrooms, which was just down the hall and around the corner.

(Tw! Body dysmorphia)

After using the bathroom you washed your hands and just stared at your self in the mirrior, hating what you saw.
Im to fat, I shouldnt eat as much. Stretch marks! Ew, no one woud like it if they saw my body.. My boobs arent big enough and my hair is to short..
You looked away and leaned against the wall with a sigh. A tear glided gently down you smooth S/C cheek, thats when you just gave up on holding it in and just started crying.
After washing your face and making sure you didnt loom as if you where just crying, you started your way back to the girls dormitory. It was so dark and you could bearly see, but thats when you saw the glow of a lantern coming your way.
Shit oh shit It captin levi!! He is doing his nightly rounds to make sure no one is out past cerfue!! I totally forgot!!
There was not getting around him so you just booked it for the girls bathroom. Knowing if you got caught there would be a punishment, and if it was a punisment like your dream you would actually like it, but it would probably just be more chores.You hid in the stall farthest away from the door, hoping he wouldnt come in.
You then heard the creek of the door and saw a light glow, that quickly faded as the door closed.
Phew, he didnt see me.

When you thought you where in the clear you quickly snuck out and back to the girls dormitory. Just as you where about to open the door you heard foot steps, and they where close. You turned around and saw a glowing light coming down the hall, quickly you pushed the door open and jumping into your bunk, quickly pulling the covers over your body and pretending to sleep.
Hopefully it was dark enough he didnt see me.
His foot steps got louder as they neard the door, and then stopped directly infront of it, the door opened, and for about 25 seconds he didnt move, just stood there listning, he then exited the room to return to his corridors. A weight being lifed off your ches, you calmed your breathing and laughed a little about what just happened.
Of course levi would be doing his rounds tonight, the same damn night I have a wet dream about him. Ugh..
After a while of laying in bed in scilence you dozed off.

Love For The Corporal (levi x reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें