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The next morning you over slept and where very later to breakfast, which started at 7 am and it was now 7:38 am.
Quickly you got up and put your uniform on, and slid your thigh straps for your ODM gear over your jeans. After putting on your shoes you quickly headed towards the mess hall for breakfast, that when you bumped into sasha.
"Hey Y/N, I was just coming to get you, I saved an apple and a piece of bread for you!" she said as she handed them to you.
"Oh, thanks Sasha, idk what Id do without you sometimes." you smiled and continued your walk towards the mess hall with sasha at your side as you munched on the bread.
"Oh and by the way Eren was looking gor you eariler?"
"Ugh. If he asks again tell him I dont want to see him. He is always flirting with me and its annoying."
"Yeah , Eren is quite annoying when it comes to that. "

Soon you reached the mess hall, which had much less people filling it then normal. The only people still there where Armin, Yimr, Mikasa, hange,Erwin, and levi. Oh shit!! Levi is here?!why is he still here he should be out helping the others train or cleaning or some shit not here!! Not now!!!
You froze in place and started slowly backing out the door.
"Whats wrong Y/N??" Levi turned his head towards you and your eyes locked, him sitting at the table with Hange and Erwin, a cup of tea in hand. He broke the gaze between you two as he looked away and took a sip of his black tea. Continuing his conversation with Hange.
"Nothing is wrong, but why dont we go out side and start our training early." you said as you started speed walking the opposite direction towards.
"Y/N wait for me!" Sasha said as she chased after you.

Once you got far enough away from the mess hall doors you turned to Sasha to explain your self.
"Levi almost caught me out past curfue last night when I got up to go to the ladies room."
"Oh, so thats why your avoiding him."
"Yeah. "
Thats when you herd foot steps coming from the direction of the mess hall.
"Oi! L/N!"
"Thats my que, bye Y/N, sorry" Sasha then took off. You turned around and came face to face with Levi, your heart racing.
"What is it Sir?" you knew exactly what it was.
"Why where you roaming the halls late last night." he asked with a stern look. You found it attractive though.
"I was using the ladies room, Sir." Well you where telling the truth.
"Tch." his eyes glanced away for a second.
"Im telling the truth, Sir."
"I never said you where lying. And cut out that Sir shit. Its annoying." you blushed at his words, and you couldnt help but notice how he was standing there in front of you, relaxed with  his hands in his pockets. You couldnt help but imagine what was under neath that white button up he wore.
"Oi! Something on your mind cadet?" you had gotten lost in your lustful thoughts of him once again.
"Ah! N-No sir! Sorry I mean L-Levi." red filling your face as you anxiously looked at the ground.
"Look at me when your talking to me cadet." he said as he snuck his hand under your chin and forced you to look at him.
"Show some respect to your Corporal Y/N." he droped his hand down to his side and relaxed once again.
"Y-yes Captain Levi." you stared into his grey eyes , then gave a salute.
"Tch. Your free to go cadet."  he then walked away.
Holy actual fuck Levi touched my face!! My god he is so fucking sexy.

After your little confrontation with Levi you headed out to the training feild to meet with sasha and Mikasa. Today you where gonna be training in hand to hand combat so you decided to have sasha as you training partner.
"Uh, Y/N?" she said just as you where geting into your fighting stance.
"Im not gonna go easy on you Sasha for the third time already."
Thats when you noticed she was looking past you, not at you.
"No not that, behind you." you turned around to see Levi .
Good god why is he always following me around.
"What is it Levi?" it felt weird saying his name like that, but it just rolled off your tounge so smoothly.
"Your gonna be training with me today. And Im not gonna go easy on you either." you couldn't help but find his last sentence sexy.
"Oh, okay?" you followed behind him as he led you to an open spot, he then tuned and faced you.
"Your fighting stance needs work. You need to stand straight, feet apart, your dominate foot taking the lead, knees slightly bent, arms up, elbows bent and at chest level."  You did as he said.
"Like this?"
"Perfect. Now, lets begin."
You where the first to strike, but he swiftly avoided your hit and grabbed you by the arm flipling you onto your back.
This time he struck first, you tried to dodge his hit but you wherent fast enough and he hit your arm.  Fuck that hurt. You took the chance to strike back and hit him in the chest, but he took advantage of the chance, wraped his leg around yours and grabed your arm and again, flipped you onto your back, knocking the wind out of you.

*3:15 pm:
After training you headed to the girls bath room for a shower and to change out of uniform. The water was cold against your skin, and the provided soaps didnt smell bad, but not great. After showing and getting dressed you headed back to the girls dormitory, as it was now free time, till 4:30 when levi would assign chores, then at 6 dinner would be served in the mess hall.
Levi was always in charge of giving out chores.
You being completely exhausted, decided to just take a nap until it was time to go and be a maid and clean. You layed in bed, eventually falling asleep.

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