The Twins ~ Infinity

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*y/n's POV.*

"Miss y/l/n? Miss y/l/n!" you jumped at the the urgent sound of Professor Snape's voice. He slammed a book down on the desk in front of you and gave a disapproving look. "If you insist on wasting your time in day dreams about Mr. Weasley, I suggest you do it outside of my class. Five points from (your house)." I felt your face grow hot as all eyes feel on me. At that point I wanted to sink down and disappear. 

I wasn't embarrassed that Snape had called me out in class. I was embarrassed that I had been caught staring at Fred Weasley. He sat opposite the room from me so I always had the best view of him from my seat. Fred was one of those guys every girl wanted, whether it was secretly or not so secretly. Between his smile and love for the sensational, I was enamored by his mere existence. However, just as I was sure of how I felt about him, I knew its was likely he hardly even knew my name.

I wasn't a particularly outgoing young witch either, so approaching him? Completely out of the question. I had pretty much come to terms with the fact that the closest I would ever get to Fred Weasley was staring at him from a distance in classes. Although, maybe not potions after today.

God, he probably thinks I'm so weird. The bell chimed, signalling the end of class. As quickly as possible, I gathered my books and darted for the door. I wanted out of there with zero chance of confrontation. 

"Hey, y/l/n! Wait up!" I heard a voice call after me. I didn't have to guess who it belonged to. I already knew. I stopped abruptly and spun around only to see both Weasley twins approaching. When they made it to me, I took a moment to realize and appreciate just how tall they actually were.

"Wow, you're quite fast," one of them smirked. It was George. I could tell just by the way he held himself. 

"Oh... uh, sorry," I said quietly, looking down. "What's up?" I asked. I was nervous considering the two of them had never really talked to me before. I'm not even sure we had been properly introduced. That's when Fred extended a hand and offered me a smile.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves! I'm Fred Weasley," he cheered. I smiled shyly and took his hand.

"And I'm George Weasley!" the other boy smiled, offering his hand to me as well.

"Nice to officially meet you," I replied. "I'm-" I began to introduce myself but Fred cut me off.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I know- I mean we know," he said, laughing lightly and running a hand through his hair. "We've seen you around." I felt my heart skip a beat. Fred actually knew who I was? Was it before today's potions class or...?

"Listen, I want to get to the point and if I let Fred continue to do the talking we'll never get there," George sighed cheekily. "Which one of us were day dreaming about, ay?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at me playfully.

"George!" Fred gasped a little, hitting his brother in the arm.

"What? That's what we came to learn, don't act like you didn't want to know," George laughed before directing his attention to me again. "Well?"

"I-I mean..." I tailed off and tried to avoid their eyes, but to no avail. I met Fred's gaze and we locked eyes. 

"Hmm, I thought so," George hummed. "Right then, well I'm off!" He cheered, before disappearing around a corner before his brother could protest.

"George, I-" Fred began but realized it wasn't worth it. He turned back to me and smiled. It was almost a shy smile, not that different from the one I probably had on my face. "I'm sorry for him, he's um... I'm not sure how to put it," he laughed nervously as his hand returned to his hair.

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