Fred ~ An Admirer

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*Y/N's POV*

"Now, remember, your essay on cross species transfiguration is due on my desk by Monday's class start," McGonagall announced as the clock chimed signaling the end of class. "Have a lovely weekend."

Students began shuffling papers and book bags as the classroom emptied. Suddenly I felt something lightly tap the back of my head. I turned around and noticed a small piece of paper wadded up on the floor. I looked around, but saw no one that could have been close enough to through it.

"Hey, Y/N," Hermione Granger greeted as she approached. She and I were great friends and would normally have lunch together on Friday afternoons, seeing as our timetables matched up pretty well. We always had Fridays at this time free.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"What's wrong? You look confused about something," she stated.

"Hm, definitely perplexed," I sighed, stooping down to pick up the paper. "I think someone threw this at me, but I can't be sure who," I shrugged, standing back up. 

"Honestly, some people treat this place like its a zoo or something," Hermione stated, obviously a little unnerved that someone would decide to just through paper and other supplies around. As she spoke, I unraveled the wad of paper and saw a note had been written on it... and it was addressed to me.

To say what I have to-- no, what I need to say, we need to meet.
Come to the Quidditch pitch, just before sunset.
-An admirer 

I sighed and crumpled the paper up again. That was the fourth or fifth one I had received in the last week. I had no idea who was writing them but, they had to know that I wasn't naive enough to actually meet up with them alone, especially when I had no idea who they were.

"Another love letter?" Hermione taunted. I rolled my eyes and tossed it at her.

"Yes, although, I'm not even sure they are love letters," I said, slinging my bag over my shoulders. Hermione was looking over the note as we walked out of the Transfiguration classroom.

"Y/N... maybe you should go," she stated.

"Hermione! You were precisely the person that told me not to go the first couple of times I received these notes," I replied, looking at her with wide eyes.

"I know! But I'm curious! I want to know who keeps sending them. It all seems rather exciting when you think about it," she gushed. "Plus, don't you want to know whoever it is that's madly in love with you?" she teased.

"At this school, you can never assume that someone who sends you mysterious notes is actually 'in love' with you. They could just want answers to the potions homework... or to open up a dangerous chamber home to a deadly monster," I said.

"I mean, but you don't have to think about things like that," she sighed.

"Hermione, I'm not going," I stated firmly.

"Ooh, going where?" 

"Yeah, can we come?" Within moments there was a Weasley twin walking beside us, Fred appearing on my left, and George on Hermione's right.

"Y/N got another note from her admirer," Hermione sang. "They want to meet, again."

"Well, someone's persistent," George commented, shooting a look towards Fred.

"Yeah, well, I'm not going. This is no different from the last time or the time before that," I sighed.

"Why not go? What's the harm?" Fred asked, suddenly invested in the situation.

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