Body Image

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I'm gonna open with this, There's absolutely nothing wrong with your body.

It's been 10 years since I was first diagnosed with anorexia, so I'm coming at this with a mindset that I've had a lot of years to deal with body issues and problems with food. It has taken me this long to actually love myself, and of course, not all days are easy but we only get one body and we need to love it.

Anyone reading this, please don't try and go for a quick fix if you feel you need to lose weight. It is never ever worth it and it will affect you long term. Self love is not only loving yourself and your body enough to be healthy, but to also love it while it isn't and being okay with the 'before' and 'after'.

I'm so proud of every single one of you and I thank you all for your kind words. I will update this all further at a later date but I wanted to release the beginning. In case it was something you needed to hear today.

Part 2:

I want to give you all a statement that I remind myself of every single time I felt like my body wasn't right or enough,  "Clothes are made to fit your body, not for you to fit into them".
Your clothes aren't for you to fear or feel uncomfortable in. They are meant to help you express yourself, to feel confident and happy in your own skin. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from wearing that outfit you love so much other than you. We have all been there  but know that that is okay. You're going to be okay. Your body isn't something you should ever punish or hide. It is beautiful and it's protecting and nourishing you, treat it with the same love. Love yourself and your body that same way that you want your friends and loved ones to, look at yourself the same way you would look at that runway model.
Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, "I am beautiful", because you are and you deserve to hear it from someone who matters the most. You.

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