Become mindful.

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People who have more self-love tend to know what they think, feel and want. They are mindful of who they are and act on this knowledge, rather than on what others want for them.

This is all about you and knowing who you are and understanding who you are as a person. You alone. Do you know who you are? Your passions, your dreams, your inspirations? What's truly important is knowing yourself thoroughly.

One of the things I have seen is that many people looking to be in a romantic relationship, aren't aware of their full potential as an individual. They're too busy looking to find their worth in another. Though I believe you grow as a person when you're in a healthy relationship with another individual, I also believe that in a relationship, you should know who you are before anything else.

Not everyone is looking to be in a relationship but that doesn't mean you shouldn't know who you are as a person. And I mean really know yourself, Inside and out.
It's self discovery and self exploring that will truly be your start to living a more fulfilling and happy life.

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