𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 24

248 13 1

ⁱᵛᵉ ᶠᵃᶻᵇᵉᵃʳ ᶜᵒˢ? ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᴬʳᵉ ᵀʰᵒˢᵉ?

( Name ) would just recheck somethings on her Laptop before she'd unplug the cords which had connected her laptop to the brown bear like animatronic in the first place. ( Name ) would slowly shake her head as she'd swipe her own forehead to get some of the sweat which had been rolling down from her forehead and onto her cheeks slowly.
" Alright Bon-Bon. Now let's see. "

The small male would slowly but surely hesitantly move off of the bear's head only to jump into ( Name's ) arms totally forgetting about the laptop which had been placed onto the ground just a couple seconds before his sudden act. The brown bear would slowly allow its bright blue orbs land on ( Name's ) form but the next thing it did seemed to surprise well everyone around the bear plus ( Name ). ( Name ) would slowly freak out as the bear would lower its head right in front of her own face before its bright blue plastic eyes would lighten up as a new sound would come from the animatronic a small Ding like sound.
" Is it dead? "

Asahi would ask as he'd watch the animatronic with pure confusion as it'd move back before allowing its fluffy paw land onto ( Name's ) hand only for the female to screech out in surprise at the sudden feeling of cold metal landing straight into her palm. All the animatronic like humans would stiffen up at the sound of their friend before deciding to try and do something about this only to be stopped by the golden Haired male who was more then likely Goldie. All the animatronics seemed to glare at the male who would just point over at Bon-Bon who had been giving them a thumbs up as he was still happily in one of ( name's ) arms grasp.
" It's fine make sure to trust someone like us.. more then a.. Guard. "
The male would whisper out the last part which ( Name ) only understood and actually heard Guard?

" ( Name ) ( Last Name ) Owner Of Amusement Park Dash To Fun Land. "
The bear would sate calmly as ( Name ) would just sigh before she'd nod her head slowly still calming her nerves down as she wasn't expecting that kind of greeting in the first place.
" Do you have a Name that we should all call you by uh..? "
( Name ) would finally speak after a good couple minutes asking the question she would love to have been answered right then and there.
" I'm called Rockstar Freddy. I believe you are the new owner of myself Correct? If that is so, then allow me to meet the rest of my gang for this location. "

( Name ) would happily chuckle before she'd look down at the shiny silver coins that Rockstar Freddy had given her just sometime ago.
" Rockstar Freddy everyone else is behind you testing out a new Illusion Disc I made not to long ago! Perhaps you want to try it out yourself? "
Rockstar Freddy would just raise his paw up to his chin as he'd think for a good solid minute before giving his answer of a simple hum in response.

" I'll take that as a yes then! Just slip this disc into the small slot beside your main power source then give it a try for me! "
( Name ) would state as she'd place a small disc into the animatronic's spare paw which would just slowly move its chest plate only to close it once again after it had inserted the disc into the right slot.

( Name ) would then take a step back after she closed the chest plate making sure it was actually  scoured in place before moving away from the animatronic which seemed to just start moving quite weirdly. ( Name ) would just look over at her twin before to notice he was only staring at the humanoid Ennard.
" something wrong?? "

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