Dreaming Delusional - Chapter 1

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Hey guys so uh, I'm not too good at writing fan fics, and I've already done another one on my other account but I got sick of it. So this is me, Olivia. Yeah, hi. Um, I'm so awkward. Sorry. Yeah. Okay, ummm, yeeeaaaahh. Enjoy. ~ Olivia

"Let go of me" I screeched. The pain oozed its way through my body, each second making me weaker.

"I don't have anything for you!" I yelled.

"Stop yelling!" He forced.

This was it, he had finally found us.

"Zyah! Zyah!"

I opened my eyes.

The light blinded me despite the figure in front of me that I knew all too well.

"What mum?"

"You were screaming, don't what me. You sound just like your father" she mumbled the last part. My body infuriated , how dare she compare me with 'him'.

"It was just a bad dream, go back to kayne, he's probably off his head" I said. Ew Kayne.

Even the name 'Kayne' makes me sick to my stomach. He apparently 'loves' my mum so much. Hah, bullshit.

He may be better than my father but he isn't a good person. Especially not after what he's done to me.

I turned to my side and closed my eyes.

"I know where you are Zyah, I know what you're doing, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

The tears that stained my pillow awoke me. Why am I still going through this, it's been 10 years, I don't even remember my father. If you can call him that.

You see, my dad left my mum and I when I was 6, we went a while without hearing from him until we got a call saying that he was released from jail. We didn't even know he had gone to jail. He came to my house and my parents got back together. Although I was 10 at the time, I knew it wasn't safe. He never told us why he was in jail, that was until, well, he did it again. The thought sent shivers down every part of my body.

It's times like this I wish I could just go to my mum and she would support me. But she'd rather support that miserable 'boyfriend' of hers. Pft. He's only here because my mum pays for his booze and weed. Mum doesn't see that though, we drifted a part after my had returned to jail again, she was angry that I never told her what he did. She went into a fragile state and developed depression. That's when she met Kayne, then, we never bonded again.

I can't sleep. I'm scared of sleep now too, another one to add to the list, great. Why can't my life just be easier? Why can't I just be able to go home and hang out with my friends? Why can't I have friends? I'm socially awkward and I don't like to interact much with people. Some people at my school call me 'Emo'. I'm not, I'm not depressed, I just don't have anyone I can trust. You know in Mean Girls, how Janice is in her own little world and isn't accepting to new people very easily? Yeah, I'm like her.

Before I knew it my alarm was going off. Great, another day where I can go spend 6 hours, not get paid and tolerate bitches. Perfect.

I got out of my bed and got dressed into my school uniform. I don't wear make up. Only when I really want to impress someone, which, never happens. The guys at my school are all jerks, they only hang out with those plastic girls. The ones who give them everything and anything that they want, just to be seen with them. There are two in particular.

Jai and Luke Brooks.

They are the most popular guys in school. They literally are crowded by girls each day. They're players as well. I've heard things, I've heard that they use girls for sex. Typical.

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