Start from the beginning

"I'll be with you in a minute!" Alex said and hung up. He paced up and down the room nervously, his car had been seized and there was no way he could catch up with Rose if he was to go on foot. He clenched his jaw and nodded his head. He burst out of the room and ran through the hallway of the Clinton mansion.

"Are you okay sir?" A guard asked as Alex ran past him ignoring his question. The guard shrugged and head his own way. Alex got to his father's bedroom and ransacked his father's shelf.

"Gotcha!" He said to himself and picked up the key to a 1991 Rolls Royce silver spirit laying on the shelf, it was his father's official and favourite car. Just as he exit the room, Mayor Clinton was approaching him.

"You looking for something son?" He asked as they both stood in the hallway few steps away from Mayor Clinton's bedroom door.

"I was just walking around." Alex responded.

"Oh- we need to talk son."

"Not now dad, maybe some other time?" Alex said.

"Very well, we need to talk now or later." Mayor Clinton said as Alex walked away in a haste.

"Hmm" Mayor Clinton hummed to himself and rushed into his room, suspecting Alex had done something. He searched around to see if any of his valuables was missing.

"Alex!!!" He screamed on noticing his missing Rolls Royce key on the shelf. He stormed out of the room and ran after his son, picking up a very fast pace for a man his age. When he had gotten outside the compound, Alex had hopped into the car and switched on the headlights.

"Stop him now!!!" Mayor Clinton barked at his security as they all ran with their batons after a Rolls Royce car that sped out of the gate almost running over the gateman.


Dylan and Rose both rushed into the Sinclair mansion after they had highlighted from the car.

"Sir." Dylan called out immediately he got to the living room, Patrick and Doris were having a discussion and they paused immediately they noticed Dylan's entrance.

"Dylan, Rose how are you?" Patrick asked scanning the puzzled look on both of them.

"Is everything alright? Where is June?" he asked further.

"She's in trouble, Brandon Clark abducted her. She called me and she sounded really terrified. We need to do something sir." Rose said.

"What!? Brandon Clark? Who the hell is he?" Patrick asked.

"He's a friend, he was a friend, sorry."
"He is really close with June and i don't know why he did something like this to her." Rose said.

"Do you know where he has her?" Patrick asked wearing his coat he had hung on the couch's handle. Doris shake her head not knowing what to say or do. The problems her daughter was having were just way too much for a sixteen year old.

"I could track the line used in calling me but it appears to have been disconnected. There are only two possible places he'll hold her captive, his house or his grandma's former house." Rose said.

"Take us there!" Patrick said and pulled out his cellphone and put a call through to Larry Forbes.

"Hello Mr Forbes, This is Patrick Sinclair." He said.


Mr. Morgan and Bran held the gun up high struggling between themselves, a gunshot had scare June and she dropped the phone to the ground and crushed it with her feet on taking few steps back from the men power struggling between themselves.

JUNE - And the AeternaeWhere stories live. Discover now