Chapter 3

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River rolled over to stare at the ceiling. Just an hour ago she and Cole had been talking. Rather, she had been talking to Cole. He was adamant that she didn't know why or how he knew her. This made River very distressed. She had spent the rest of their time pestering Cole with questions and begging for answers. She knew she wouldn't sleep. She never could, anyhow. Finally, after profuse begging, Cole had agreed to meet her again, same time and place, the following night.

River stared at the white ceiling. It was newly painted, with luxury molding and a great chandelier in the middle of the room. Always treating future leaders the best. River thought to herself.

She thought back to her own room. Well, not exactly her own. Each family had a sleeping room, or as most kids called it, the geo. It was an octagonal room with holes in the walls where the beds sat. When River lay in bed, there was no ceiling to look at, just the top of her tube.

It was so different in this room, with its tall ceilings and great big square-shaped beds. It was unusual to her, but river thought these must be like the beds on earth. Will and Finley seemed to adjust quite nicely to the new living situations. She wondered if they had familys. She wondered what happened to them.


River rubbed the sleep out of her eye and pulled on the clothing the maid had come in a gave her. Finley and Will were already up and waiting by the door. River must have fallen asleep at some point because the last thing she remembered was thinking of Cole.

Will smiled at her eagerly. "Good morning! Did you get your beauty sleep?"

River frowned and looked at him quizzically. She wouldn't call whatever she was beautiful. The skintight suit emphasized that. Her body ran down like a straight pole and her skinny arms and legs made her look young and childish. Taking a closer look, she realized he was joking. It wasn't something that many did in serenity.

"Yes, of course." She responded grinning. "How else do you think I keep this up?" She dramatically gestured at her body.

Will laughed. "Oh yeah?"

Before she could respond, a maid walked in. "Hi. Sorry to interrupt. I am just here to notify you that you are to meet in the training room in ten minutes.

Finley thanked her and closed the door. She and Will both turned to look at her.


"You are the only one who knows where the training room is."

Oh. River nodded and they silently fell behind her and walked toward the training room. River was practically chewing through her lip. She thought she knew what to expect but as training grew closer and closer she started to realize how little she knew.


River, Will, and Finley were the last to arrive. The rest of the chosen ones sat huddled in a corner, nervously talking, eyes whipping around the room. In fact, River seemed to be the only one who wasn't breaking down.

She had never seen the training room so she began to take in the scene. There where high, industrial ceiling with exposed pipes. The floor and wall were made out of concrete and there were no windows. The only light came from small eerie hanging lights across the room. In the middle of the room were two large square-shaped mats. Off to the side was a large box filled with weapons and utilities.

River gulped down air lowered herself to the opposite corner. She didn't want to be near the other trainees. It would only make her pounding head pound harder.

She looked up and noticed two men who seemed to be in their mid-20s. One pointed at a clipboard while the other nodded along. Maybe they were the trainers. Before her curiosity got the best of her the men walked to the middle of the room and signaled for everyone to quiet.

"Hi, trainees." The first one began. "I am Enzo and this is Brees. We will be training you guys." Enzo sarcastically pumped his fist in the air but quickly hardened his gaze looking across the crowd his eyes eventually landing on River, in the far corner. "I know this is scary but not to worry. We have been watching you so we know your skills. You have five minutes before we begin." His eyes still trained on river, the last thing he whispered. "Don't give up."

Then, just as quickly as he had come, Enzo was gone, and Brees stood with a piercing stare. He didn't frighten River though. Most people she knew weren't so friendly.

Finally, he wordlessly began to leave the room. A minute later his voice crackled out of a microphone above. "Good luck." He snarled. "You'll need it."

As soon as the microphone turned off River heard a lock click and grey gas entered the room. The other trainees ran to the corners, covering their mouths with their shirts and coughing. They huddled together.

River stood there, paralyzed. Suddenly her body began to move for her. She reached down and ripped off her socks, stuffing them in the tubes from which the air was being emitted. Taking the hint, the others began stuffing their sock wherever possible, to stop the gas. They began to block the air but there was still some lingering in the room. Without thinking river gulped it in and did her best to contain it in her mouth. Her eyes searched the room for something, anything.

The edges of her vision began to go black. River couldn't contain the gas for much longer. Suddenly, she spotted what she was looking for. A small glass jar, sat waiting in the equipment case. She ran to the doors, stumbling. Her vision was fading. With the last of her strength, she jammed her elbow into the door, shattering the glass. She clung to the jar and put it to her mouth she breathed out the air. Then cautiously, she swung her head back and snapped on the lid allowing her body to fall limp to the floor.

She wanted to rest. To let her body escape to the tug of darkness. But no, she fought her way forward and slowly entered the world once again.

"River!" The boy in front of her exclaimed. It was Will. He put his hand under her shoulder and gently pulled her to her feet. She swung into him but caught her balance and allowed her vision to clear. The trainees stood huddled around her, exchanging nervous glances.

"Thanks," she croaked, remembering the shattered glass, and tearing pain in her elbow. She looked down. She was bleeding badly. Obviously not enough because Enzo and Brees were nowhere to be seen.

River looked hopelessly at Will but he just shook his head. "You were down for about half an hour but no one came."

She groaned in frustration but knew whining wouldn't help her. She scanned the room for something that could help them. She noticed two desks in the far back corner of the room. She hadn't seen them before.

Instantaneously, she realized what had to be done. This was all some sort of test. To see who the leaders were. I might as well get through this. River thought to herself. They had to finish the test to be let out. So that's just what she would do.

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