Chapter 2

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 River felt the crowd shifting. Searching. Searching for her. She wanted to move but she couldn't. They had called HER name. No one from serenity had ever been chosen. People were getting impatient and river knew she would have to climb down. It wasn't exactly adequate that river had to show serenity the fact that she had been hidden in a tree.

She jumped down and prepared to be chastised but only saw look of amazement. She smiled shyly and pushed her way through the crowd. Leader Earth held out his hand to help her onto the stage. She had only spoke to him once before as a child when she was being punished for her misbehavior.

"Welcome river. I am so very proud to introduce you as our very first participant in the games who is from serenity herself."

Leader Earth continued but River tuned out. She could only hear her own labored breath.

Soon, she felt a hand on her back, leading her out of the room. Her head thrummed with her increasing heart beat and she sat down on a leather couch behind the stage. River felt eyes on her but ignored them.

Finally, she worked up the courage to lift her eyes across the room. Most of the other people had looked down at their own hands but one, Will, kept his eyes steadily on her. She wondered why. He didn't know enough about serenity to know her. He couldn't.

"Hi. I am river." She held out a hand, trying to be polite, "I guess you know that,"

"River, " will seemed to let name name sit on his tongue like he was savoring it. "Yeah. Well then I guess you know my name too."

"I guess I do." The two of them sat in the silence. River, anticipating the challenge ahead of her. Will, fretting over his reason for being in the strange new place.

River began to hear shuffling feet. The citizens must be returning to their homes. She thought of Rena, her mother and her father. When could she see them again? Abruptly, leader earth walked in and began to speak.

"Children, you must be worried, confused, fearful. Don't fret. Your reason for being here will be explained all in good time. River," He said looking her in the eye, "I know you must be confused but I promise we will figure things out. Now, before the games begin, we will walk you to your rooms. We are beggining tomorrow. I wish the best of luck to all of you."

Guards led the children out of the room. Finally river heard her name called.

"Ok. Room 4, River, William and Finley."

River let out a breath of relief. She was with someone she partially knew. She looked around for Finley, preparing to find a young man steeping forward but only saw a girl. The girl had straight black hair in a pixie cut and narrow green eyes. She was tall. Pretty, really.

The three of them began to walk to their room.

"So," Will began, "You live here huh?"

"Yeah," River tried to stop herself but couldn't't bear, "Well, " She said casually, "Whats it like there? You know, on earth." The two turned to look at her quizzically,

"I don't know. I guess it just always seemed normal to me. We live in houses with families. Kind of like you guys. "

River wished she could explain. It was just so different on earth. So free. Suddenly she remembered what they were here for. She was so scared. She had heard of the challenges. The leaders had called them special and fun. River wasn't so sure. She needed to take a walk. "I'll meet you guys in the room later, okay?"

River knew exactly what she was looking for. The guard, Cole. He HAD to have answers for her. River knew every corner of serenity, so if anyone, she would know how to find him. First she snuck into the control room. He wasn't there. She checked everywhere a guard could be. Finally, when she was about to give up, a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her through the supply closet door. It was him.

"What are you doing wandering around? You were chosen. You can't be seen now!" Cole talked to her like an old friend.

"How did you know? What aren't you telling me." She lashed out. "I just don't understand!"

"Shhhhh" Cole put a finger to her lip. The action made her heart leap and her cheeks tingle. She tried to smile. He grinned back. "I can't talk now. Someone will find us. You begin your training tomorrow right? We have to talk before then. Meet me here, tonight at midnight. Ok?"



The clock ticked. It was twelve. Cole should be there by now. Unless something had happened. River sucked in a breath and tried not to worry. Finally she heard three knocks. It was the code they had decided on. She opened the door and with out thinking hugged him. She seemed to have some connection with him. She still couldn't recall where she had heard his name. Realizing her mistake she stepped back and allowed him in.

"Where were you? You took forever. I thought something had happened. "

"Don't worry. I was just making sure the coast was clear. "

River finally admitted her repetitive thought. "I am really sorry. But I remember you from somewhere. I must have known you. Your name feels so familiar."

Oddly, Cole smiled at this. "I know."

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