Chapter 1

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 River watched the screen impatiently. They HAD to choose soon. In just a couple of minutes she would know. She could feel the anticipation creeping up inside of her.

Last year's selections were good but she had heard rumors that this years were amazing. She even heard that they had found HER. The girl that her people had only heard of in myths. She really shouldn't be in there. She had snuck in past the guards using her sister as a diversion. Though her sister had pouted. Why can't I see? She had asked. This is just for me, okay. I promise I will tell you everything I see.

River was good at assuring people. She had a confident way of saying things that seemed to make everyone trust her. It was something she had got from her mother. Everyone told her that.

"River? What are you doing in here?" River turned, startled.


Her sister looked away guiltily. "Sorry. I tried but you were taking too long." River looked up at the clock. It is already 2:30! Had she really taken that long? She must have lost track of time.

"That was some smart thinking."

Surprised, River stepped back into the control board. The guard who had led her sister back seemed to be about 17 or 18. She wondered why she had never seen him before. "Um, thanks".

The boy smiled. His locks of curly, brown hair shaded his hazel eyes when he spoke. If they weren't under strict rules not to do so, she would have thought he was cute. "You know, if they would let us participate in the game, you would be a sure good candidate with those sneaky skills of yours."

River looked away ashamed. She felt heat rise on her neck and a warm, tingling sensation passed through her body. She wasn't THAT good. She had always been prone to sneaking around. It set her apart from the others living in serenity. When she was younger she would play make-believe with Rena. They would pretend they were from earth and they were one of the chosen ones. They would make believe walk into the center square wearing their earth clothes.

"We are the chosen ones!" They would shout. She remembered one day in particular.

Great people of serenity, her sister announced, standing on her bedside table like a podium. We are here to welcome the new year's chosen ones. River walked out wearing jeans and a t-shirt she had discovered while sneaking into the leader's storage units. She smiled bravely. Hello, serenity! She would say, giggling. I am one of the ten new chosen ones from this year's selection. River would then jump down and perform the make-believe ritual with her sister. That day her mom had walked in and scolded her for her behavior. The people of serenity are not to associate with those of earth! Her mother had led her away from her sister and talked to her in a quiet voice. That voice scared her more than any yelling would have. I know it is hard, but you can not let them see your fascination with the earth's people. But why? She had whined, disappointed with her mother. Trust me. Her mother had looked her in the eye and made her promise not to play make-believe anymore.

Today, River finally understood. People were punished. For their misbehavior. These rules only strengthened her longing for earth.

"I can let your misbehavior off this time, but not again." The guard smiled nervously and pressed his lips together.

River shuddered and stared in disbelief. That wasn't allowed. There were no second chances in serenity. She considered thanking him but her sister was near. She nodded and swallowed down the lump built in her throat. She would find a way to thank him later.


The second they were out of the room, River grabbed Rena's shoulder. "Go head back for a little. Ok?" Her sister nodded and River waited until she saw her sister turn the corner and walk back down the hallway. The guard was sitting at the control board twiddling with his thumbs. He seemed smart. The way he looked at the numbers. Like he understood them.

"Thanks for earlier. It means a lot." The guard jumped in his chair.

"Oh! This is what I mean about those sneaking skills! Well, you're welcome. My name is Cole, by the way."

Cole. She had heard that name before. She didn't know where. "Cole. Thank you." She waved and left. She still couldn't remember where she had heard his name. She just couldn't put her finger on it and she knew she wouldn't let it go. I have to distract myself with something.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded. "Residents of serenity! You have 30 minutes until this year's children of humanity are announced. Gather your families to prepare to meet in the center in 30 minutes!!"

River speed-walked back to her family apartment and ran to her bathroom. Her jumpsuit hung from the shower rod. She frowned. Everyone had the same clothes, bathroom, life. The only thing that made River different was her.

She looked in the mirror. She had clear, pale blue eyes, they were big in comparison to the rest of her. Spiraling curls of golden blond hair shielded her from the outside world. Her narrow face only emphasized her other features. She had spindly skinny legs that stuck out like sticks. She was the only one. The rest of serenity, including her mom, dad, and sister had grey-brown eyes and brown hair.

A yell interrupted her train of thought. "Honey! Come on, it's time to go!" River thew her suit on and ran to catch up to her family. She noticed her mother and sister straight hair slicked back into ponytails and attempted to so for her own hair.

As everyone filed into the center, River stood on her tiptoes, looking to see the stage. She was too small. She wasn't short but she wasn't quite tall. I have to find a better vantage point. There were 4 trees, one in every corner of the room. She decide to climb the back left one and slowly edged her way out of the crowd. She just couldn't let anyone see her. As she moved through she noticed the crowds strange looks and whispers.

Finally, she arrived. She scaled up the tree swiftly. It was a skill she had gained as a young child. She could climb anything, anywhere.

"Residents of serenity," the mike crackled as leader earth spoke. Sitting behind the podium were leader fire, water, and air. "Today we are here to announce the ten chosen children of earth. These are very special children chosen carefully from earth. As we know we do this every year. There once was a conflict in serenity, and there were wars and anger. Then we realized what we are doing wrong. There was something in the genetic of the people or serenity that caused them to be poor leaders. That is why we found earth and turned it into a civilization from which we gather our new leaders. As every year, these children will participate in the games of W.E.A.F where they battle to get their place on the board of earth, fire, water and air. This years announcement is very special because we have discovered a possible leader of serenity." The crowd gasped and River's heart stopped. So the HAD found her! She couldn't believe it. "Now if everyone will quiet the names will be announced and our people will be introduced."

As leader earth began to announce the stage slowly filled with shocked faces. The earth people always seemed astonished. Some of them were even as young as 13.

"Number 8, Amelia Rochester. Number 9 William Hammond." Number 9, William seemed about Rivers age, 16 or so. He had short straight brown hair and green eyes. He stared eyes wide at the crowd. For a moment, River worried he saw her but was relieved to see him settle with his eyes on the ground.  River held her breath. She knew they wouldn't reveal which of the ten earth people was up for leader but she still longed to know. "And finally, number 10, this was a special exception made this year after lots of observation, River Brown!"

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