𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 32

Start from the beginning

This isn't the plan, Iwaizumi thinks, are you still so terrified of letting them know?

Oikawa pushes past Iwaizumi and Kyoutani, so that the entire room can see him. He is dressed in garbs borrowed from Tsukishima's manor, darker colors than normally would compose his attire. His long cape drapes across his shoulders, falling down to his mid calf. His hood is down, revealing his perfectly combed brown hair. And although he is missing his signature tiara, there is no doubt in the people's minds.

Their dead Prince has returned.

A sudden wave of bowing ensues among the crowd, and a surge of gleeful shouts, joyful tones and a few laughs echo throughout the room. Iwaizumi worries that the people will pour into the center of the room to be near their Prince, that they will crowd around him and make it impossible for him to reach the King. But the people stay back, and Iwaizumi wonders if that is Oikawa's magic at work or simply their reverence of him keeping them glued to their spots.

Oikawa smiles at the servants, at their loyalty and deference. He keeps walking, head held high and gaze searing with fire, down the aisle toward his fuming father. He moves with purpose, with elegance, with the stride of a king.

The King is enraged, shouting once more at his guards, "Do you not listen to me? Your King? That is not the Prince! The Prince is dead. What appears before you is nothing but a monster! Don't you see? A trick! Seize him!"

There is murmuring in the crowd, a new inkling of doubt planted in their collective minds. Iwaizumi starts hurrying after Oikawa, foregoing the plan of keeping out of sight. If Oikawa insists on going off script than he can to. His gut is telling him to stick close to Oikawa, it gnaws at him with a dread filled anxiety. No one moves to stop him.

Oikawa makes no comment of his approach, simply continues his walk, addressing the King directly, but speaking to the entire room as he goes, "Father, while traveling to return to my home, I heard so many terrible things were happening within my castle walls. Paranoia, fear and unjust accusations. From those tales I can surmise that there is only one monster to be found here."

Iwaizumi frowns, squeezing the grip on his sword. Throwing digs at the King was also not part of the plan. Revealing himself as a demon to the servants, and baring his honest soul was. He wonders what Oikawa is playing at. Was he trying to take over the crown without showing his true colors at all?

Iwaizumi looks closely at the Prince, sees how the hands held behind his back squeeze each other tight, knuckles white. He frowns, biting his lip harder. Oikawa still doubts that the world could ever accept him. Still paralyzed under the King's gaze. And Iwaizumi wants to scream at him, trust me, please, let them see you.

"The Prince is dead. What stands before us is a demonic copy preying on the hearts and minds of the people," The King counters, unflinching even as Oikawa steps up to stand beside him.

Oikawa's eyes shift, teeth gritting behind the dazzling smile he's forced on his face, realizing the King's new angle. It's a clever one, he must admit. He hesitates a moment, thinking through every possible situation, every possible logical reasoning to explain away the King and keep swaying the crowd to his side.

And that is just what the King is waiting for.

In a skilled flick of the wrist, he pulls out his concealed dagger, moving to plunge it deep into the Prince's chest. Oikawa had suspected his life would be challenged in this encounter, but never, never, had he thought his Father to be the one to do it.

But Iwaizumi is quicker, shoving Oikawa out of the way with as much force as he can gather, turning to face the King and brace himself against his attack. But he isn't fast enough, and the dagger pierces his stomach, shoving in deep as he lets out an agonizing shout.

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