𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 30

Start from the beginning

And Iwaizumi learns even more, like the spot near the base of Oikawa's neck that makes him shudder, or the fact that Oikawa squirms around, in constant motion, whenever Iwaizumi's fingers dance along his skin. How his fangs grow sharper, his eyes gleam redder, and his tail whips around, as if his mind can't be bothered to focus on his image because of what Iwaizumi's touch does to him.

And they barely do anything, in all honesty. Because they're in the woods, and there are three teenagers never too far from them. But the reactions Iwaizumi sees and feels burn a desire within him so intense he's not sure how to fan it down at all. It's excruciating. But he swallows it all down and tries to stay focused.

They cross back over the Tri-Kingdom border easily enough, but it takes another few days to traverse through Karasuno's territory back toward the Tsukishima Manor. By the time the group reaches the estate even Prince Tobio looks worse for wear.

(Oikawa looks impeccable as always, but Iwaizumi knows it's only due to his illusion magic doing its job so it should not be counted.)

Prince Shouyou ushers them in quickly, despite Lord Kei's reservations. However, those too evaporate when he sees the ghost of Prince Tooru enter his manor in all his royal glory. He takes a step back, furrowing his brow, "Prince Tooru?"

Prince Tooru bows with a flourish, "Thank you, Lord Kei for your family's hospitality, it will surely not go unnoticed. I have heard so much about you from my dear, sweet younger brother! I would love to have a chat with you over tea, but first, would it be possible for me and my companions to make use of your baths?"

Lord Kei makes a tch sound with his tongue, turning away to mumble something to Yamaguchi. He gives his guest a forced smile, hard enough that his eyes close in the process, "Of course. It is a pleasure to meet you. Yamaguchi will take care of you."

The Princes are bathed first and once they're finished, their companions are able to wash off. When Iwaizumi leaves the baths he finds Oikawa toying with the blond aristocrat mercilessly, devilish smile in place. Iwaizumi sighs, dragging Oikawa away with a harsh whispered reminder of the plan. Right. The plan.

Cornering Prince Shouyou is easy enough. The Sun Prince seems to be sour about the aristocrat as well and is literally bouncing up and down waiting to hear from Prince Tobio how the mission went. He is full of questions, eyes bright and mouth running a mile a minute until Prince Tobio shouts at him to be quiet.

"Prince Shouyou," Oikawa starts once he's able to find space in the whirlwind conversation, "How would you like to be an integral part of the next part of our mission, hmm?"

"Uwah?" Prince Shouyou vocalizes in his excitement, "Yes! How? This is so cool!"

Oikawa looks over at his brother, "Tobio-chan, go on, tell your friend how he can help."

Prince Tobio glowers, "He's not my friend."

Prince Shouyou rolls his eyes, "Don't mind him. Kageyama doesn't really know what friends are."

Oikawa snickers into his hand. Prince Tobio glares at the ginger, "Why would I ever want to be friends with an idiot?"

"Why would I ever want to be friends with a stupid head?" Prince Shouyou counters.

"That's a dumb insult."

"You're a dumb insult."

Oikawa claps his hands together, "Tobio-chan!"

Prince Tobio grits his teeth but squares his shoulders, looking intently at the other Prince, "We need your help getting back to Aoba Johsai. We need a carriage that can hide the four of them without arising suspicion."

Prince Shouyou blinks, "Why do you need to hide?"

"The King can't know he's coming back, not until we reach the castle proper," Prince Tobio explains.

"But why? Shouldn't he be excited that Prince Tooru's ok?"

Prince Tobio fumbles then, mouth twisting as he tries to come up with anything to prove his point. That is, until Oikawa lets out a sigh, "It's fine. It's all coming out soon enough anyway. Might as well practice this part too."

Prince Shouyou's eyes widen as the image of Prince Tooru distorts, for just a moment, before clearing up. Revealing spiraling horns, red tinged eyes and a fanged smile. He bristles, leaning back and holding his hands up defensively in his signature fighting stance. Prince Tobio puts a hand on his shoulder to keep him from running out. Iwaizumi's eyes watch him carefully, alert.

"You see, Father would prefer it if I didn't return," Oikawa explains with a bitter chuckle.

"You were turned into a demon?" Prince Shouyou murmurs, tone akin to awe.

"I have always been a demon," Oikawa grins, making a point to show of his fangs, eyes icy.

"Half-demon," Iwaizumi corrects.

Prince Shouyou blinks, and then, surprising everyone, all his attention is turned onto Prince Tobio,  "Wait, are you a demon too? Why didn't you tell me!"

Prince Tobio bristles at the accusation, "I am not!"

"But I thought you were brothers!"

"Half-brothers," Iwaizumi corrects.

"Are you sure you're not?" Prince Shouyou asks, hands flying out to muss through Prince Tobio's hair. He pulls at the strands, digging around his scalp for any hidden horns. Prince Tobio swats his hands angrily.

"Of course I'm sure!" Prince Tobio glowers, shoving the Sun Prince away from him, "You don't think I ever asked?"

"Wait," Prince Tooru interjects, "You asked Father if you were a demon child too?" he can't help letting out a burst of a laugh, "How did that go?"

Prince Tobio glares back, hands still holding Prince Shouyou's wrists away from him, "He hit me, of course."

Prince Tooru's smirk drops. Prince Shouyou frowns, "That's not ok."

"Most of what our father does can be categorized as 'not ok'." Prince Tobio clears his throat again, "Will you help us or not?"

Prince Shouyou purses his lips, glancing between all the party members before breaking into a radiant smile, "Of course, Kageyama! I can tell my dads I need the large carriage because I'm going with you to visit Aoba Johsai for moral support! And that way we can hide them easy."

"Will the Kings of Karasuno accept that?" Iwaizumi asks skeptically.

"Hmm?" Prince Shouyou blinks, "Oh! If its for Kageyama they'll let me. My dads love him."

Prince Tobio flushes a little, looking away. Prince Tooru quirks an eyebrow, eyes widening as he finally solves a pesky puzzle that had been toying with his brain for the past few days. "How wonderful," he purrs, "Tobio-chan, I'm so proud of your diplomacy skills."

Prince Tobio glares at him.

"Well, I guess that settles it?" Iwaizumi decides, cutting through the teasing to keep them all on task.

Prince Shouyou nods, "We can start riding to the castle in the morning!"

"While we're there, I'll need to write a few letters," Prince Tooru adds as they separate, "And Prince Tobio will need to send word to Father of his return." Prince Tobio lets out a sigh, but nods all the same.

"And," Oikawa adds, leaning forward so only his brother can hear, "Should I break the news or you? Of your plans of elopement?"

Prince Tobio shoves him away, scarlet faced, and stomps towards his guest quarters without another word. Prince Shouyou follows after him curiously, fluttering about him and chanting the same pesky question, "What did he say? What did he say? Kageyama! What did he say?"

Iwaizumi jabs Oikawa in the side with his elbow when they're alone, winding him, "Don't be a dick to your brother. Especially when he's the key part of this entire plan you've come up with."

Oikawa clutches at his side, "He's only important for the getting there part. The rest is all me. God, Iwa-chan! That actually hurt!"

"Making up for lost time, asshole."

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